Chapter 23

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Hoseok's POV

"Can you believe it? We're almost there, less than a month away from completing the merger!" Namjoon's cheerful voice fills the space and I throw a nervous glance at Yoongi. 

We're currently on the balcony in our penthouse, enjoying the chill evening breeze and discussing merging details with Namjoon over the phone. 

When we came home after work, Jimin wasn't there. I've tried calling him and left text messages asking where was he and how did he feel. 

I scolded Yoongi for letting him go home alone when he felt bad, but unfortunately, the alpha had a dozen meetings planned until the end of the working day so he had no opportunity to follow omega and take care of him. But at least he could have informed me!

"That's great, we're almost there." Yoongi says with a poker face, his voice tense. We both know what finishing merging means. 

Jimin will be gone. None of us want that. 

"I know, it's been quite a journey, hasn't it? I remember when we first started discussing the idea, and now we're just a few weeks away from making it a reality. Back then I thought you two were nuts."

I sink deeper into the oversized lounge sofa, adorned with soft cushions and throws.

"The whole merging process has been intense, but I have to say, it's been worth it. Combining our two companies has opened up so many new opportunities. I have to admit the integration of our teams and resources has been smoother than I expected. I really look forward for it to be finalized."

I wish I shared Namjoon's enthusiasm. But all I can think about is Jimin. 

"...and speaking of communication, I have to check up on our legal and financial teams. They've been working tirelessly to make sure all the details are in order." Namjoon says, adding to his to-do list.

"You know you can rest at least in the evenings, right?" I remind my COO who chuckles from the line. 

"Yeah, but I prefer resting when I don't have tasks pilled up. No worries, I'll take a long vacation when we're done with merging and make you compensate for all my sleepless nights." 

"That's why you're still single, man. You always prioritize your work." Yoongi mocks him, knowing well that it's a touchy subject for Namjoon. 

He wants family more than any of us. He wants to become a father and have pups running in his house, but he can't find the one, as he calls it. The omegas he has dated were mostly after his wealth, not him. The same issue as Yoongi and I went through until we said fuck it, and decided to be together. 

But I know Namjoon's dream is to mate the omega and have a small perfect family. The only issue is he hasn't found the right omega yet. 

"Fuck you, Min." He grunts and I'm pretty sure he must have rolled his eyes at us. 

"Thanks, but I'll decline. The only alpha that I allow fuck me is sitting right in front of me." Yoongi's lips lift in a devilish smirk and I send him a flying kiss. 

"Ugh, you're insufferable. I don't need your sex life details."

"Sorry, I thought since your sex life is nonexistent you'd like to listen to someone who gets action-" Yoongi keeps going, obviously not ready to end the teasing yet.

"Please, someone give me the strength to bear with them. I'm not being paid enough for dealing with your asses. I'm hanging up." 

"Are you getting off by annoying him?" I ask my boyfriend who offers me a self-satisfied grin.

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