Chapter 30: Let the past go.

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Iyana's POV

I pace around the living room and my mom is holding her head in her hands. "Iyana sit down. You are stressing me with your pacing around." she says and i roll my eyes. "Ma please don't. Dad isn't your husband so you don't know the feeling." I say and she chuckles. "He may not be my husband but I care for him." I scoff.

"Iyana I get you worried but please watch your attitude you are never too old for a beating. Nkosinathi is fine and your dad is fine. They are more than capable of watching themselves and they more stronger than Keketso." she says. "Ma please." I say. I take out my phone from the pocket and dial his number and call him.

"You have reached the voicemail of 0.." "Fuck!" I throw the phone and it lands on the floor, luckily it has a carpet so it didn't shatter. My mom picks up the phone and puts it on the table. She stands up and grabs my shoulders and shakes me. "Mama man!" "Stop pacing around. You are confusing me." she says and i roll my eyes.

At this point I'm not going to cry. I've had enough of crying and i don't have tears to shed anymore. She stops with her shaking and forces me to sit down. "Listen love. They are okay. Don't panic, don't stress. You will hug your husband again and be in his arms." she says. "Fine." She sighs a sigh of relief.

I hear the door opening and i stand up and rush to it. I see Mpendulo and Muzi come in and sigh. I was really hoping it's Nkosinathi and dad. If they answered their phones I would be more calm. "Hey." greets Mpendulo, his tone is soft and filled with pity. I don't need his pity.

"Please don't pity me." I say. "I'm not pitying you Iyana." He pulls me in for a hug and rubs my back. "Uright?" asks Muzi. (are you okay?) "I'm fine. I just want Nkosinathi and my dad to come back safely." "Don't worry they are fine. I called him when he left and he was okay." "Why didn't he call me then? I've been calling and he isn't answering."

"He doesn't want to stress you out." says Mpendulo. "His stressing me out by not answering. I just need to hear his voice and my dad's voice to make sure they are okay." I say. "Its going to be okay. I promise you he will come back." says Muzi. "Do you want anything to drink?" "Please."

We walk to the kitchen and i pour them a glass of juice and i pour another one for my mom and myself. I put the glasses on a tray and we walk to the living room. They greet my mom and sit down. I give my mom her juice and she thanks me. "Is Nkosinathi okay?" she asks. "Yes he is. They might be returning today." answers Muzi and she nods.

We sit in silence waiting for them to come. They should be here any moment i think. He must come so I can have some sort of peace of mind. I didn't sleep properly last night tossing and turning because of the nightmares. I'm slowly crawling back to my dark hole and this time no one can save me, unfortunately.

The door opens again and i rush to it and i see my dad and Nkosinathi. I run to my dad and pull him in for a hug. "You back?" I whisper, my voice is quater to cracking and I'm trying to suppress the emotions I'm feeling. "It's okay princess. His gone and it's all over." I look at him and his eyes are blank. They soften up a bit when he sees me looking at him. "It's okay."

"Really?" I ask. "Yes. It's okay now go hug Nkosinathi." I roll my eyes and he chuckles. I move away from him and pull him in for a hug. "You good?" he asks. "I feel better now that you here." "Oh wow you have a thing for me. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I hit his chest playfully and he chuckles. I didn't think I missed him this much.

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