11 Blurred

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The days just blurred together.

I would wake up, get dressed, have breakfast. Clean. Lunch. Clean. Dinner. Dance. Sleep.

Just to wake up and do it all over again. The only different thing was that the corset would get tighter. And as well as my dancing.

My dancing progressed quite well - Theodore said it himself. I now knew many waltzes, including the diagonal waltz, the Viennese waltz, the French Waltz, and the English waltz.

Theodore also added one hour of reading to my schedule. He told me that a girl like me had to be educated. Especially on my manners, as he had been emphasizing lately.

I felt out of place. Just been off lately. I feel weird, but I try not to think about it.

I read about half of the book of manners over the last couple of weeks. Some of the rules were like the ones Theodore mentioned. It said that it was impolite to ask too many questions, rude to consider that men should always do as you ask, (as it should be the other way around) and to speak gramatically. There were many chapters about femienity and neatness. I guess Theodore was right- since its confirmed in a book.

The days carried on and on. Wake up, get dressed, have breakfast. Clean. Lunch. Study. Clean. Dinner. Dance. Sleep.

Wake up, get dressed, have breakfast. Clean. Lunch. Study. Clean. Dinner. Dance. Sleep.

Wake up, get dressed, have breakfast. Clean. Lunch. Study. Clean. Dinner. Dance. Sleep.

Wake up, get dressed, have breakfast. Clean. Lunch. Study. Clean. Dinner. Dance. Sleep.

Tighter. Tighter. Tighter.

The pattern was engraved in my mind. I felt numb. Unmoved. I lost track of days. I stopped bothering to check my phone. The serice was low, and my own parents didn't bother to text me back.


I was making my way up the stairs, wondering where Theodore was when I saw him. In my room. My phone in his hand. Oh no.

I had no idea how he'd react. Would he yell at me? Only horrible people yell. He wouldn't yell at me right? He wouldn't. He's nice. Right?

"Lily-Ann," He spoke carfeully, "What is this?"

"My phone..." I spoke softly, my breath catching in my throat.

"And did I allow you to take your phone with you?" 

"No sir." 

"Why did you take it? When I told you not to?"

"I don't know." I whispered, looking down on the floor.

"Eyes on me" his voice persise, his eyes glinting. "You must know, since you took it." He came over to my, my chin in his hand, gentle.

I stayed silent.

He sighed, "Why don't you trust me Lily-Ann? Do you not love me?" His eyes broken.

My heart dropped and shattered into a million peices. The shards scratched at my lungs, penetrated my throat, and came out of my eyes.

"What?! No of course I love you!" I blurted out before I could process what I was saying.

He closed his mouth, and formed into a smile. He kissed my cheek, his lips gentle.

"Then trust me my dear. I will do you no harm. Ever."

I sighed, aware of the blush creeping in on my cheeks. 

"You promise?" I whispered, half joking.

"Of course." He smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

His lips were soft on top of me, like a ripple of water after rain plopped on top. His lips were soft, as if truly promising something beyond. It was as if I had travelled to wonderland, and I had found out that that's where I belonged. I felt mad. His lips teasing, leading me into a farther dance. His lips travelled down my cheek, into my neck. I felt paraplysed, espeicing a euphoria of magic. Emotions surgered thoguh me. Yes, I loved him. How could I ever doubt him? He's so kind, and gentle, and- 

I gasped.

"What?" He murmered, his eyes travelling from my eyes to my lips. No one had ever looked at me that way before.

"That thickled." I giggled.

"Did it now?" He smirked. "Let's get you to bed."

After he tucked me in, he sat down on my bed, "I will be taking this away for good- you don't need it. I'm here. And nothing will happen to you." 

I was almost not paying attention to his words. I was drowing in his eyes.

"Yeah... you're right." I admitted, I laughed a dry laugh, "Even my own parents don't text me back."

"Oh," his tone sympathizing, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. "You're fortunate you have me. Even though they don't like you, I'll alwasy be there." His eyes glinted. But I couldn't deny how they looked a little off. And what he said stung. It slapped me awake from my trance.

HIs eyes were the type you could drown in because you were in love, but also because they could drag you down.

And that was the first time I had ever dreamt of the ocean. 

Floating there, sand under my feet, my arms brushing thorugh the waves. The water glinting just like his eyes.

Threatening to drown me.


Happy reading, please vote and comment it helps when there's some insight on the audeince's perspective. I want to say that I know that these chapters are similar, but that is on PURPOSE. Keep your eyes open...

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