17 He wouldn't

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I was in my room, getting ready to sleep. I noticed that my latest diary entries were shorter than they used to be. I would no longer check my phone, as Theodore had taken it away.

The corset was still on me, making my head feel all hazy. My lungs were burning, and it was the most unsatisfying feeling not to be able to breathe in all the way.

I took out my diary, flipping through the pages. I squinted in the darkness. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. I squinted at the last entry I'd made: there was a smudge. 

But I didn't rub anything over the paper last night.

Horror dawned on me: Theodore had been reading my diary pages.

Tears sprung from my eyes. He knew. He knew. Every single thought went through my mind. This helped him know how I think. 

I tried to calm myself. Crying would do me no good. I could pass out.

My thoughts were frantic as I put my diary down. I wouldn't write in it anymore. Until I realized that I should. If I continue, he'll know that I know he read my diary. I quickly journaled about my day and went to sleep.


The next morning, my corset was tightened again.

In the reflection of the mirror, I saw his eyes glinting. I had always thought they sparkled with love. Now I knew that they were just cruel. Or maybe just passionate.

"That's better, darling. Now, let's tighten it a little more." He reached for the lace and pulled it with force, making the corset constrict around my waist. I leaned against the wall, feeling like my ribs were going to snap under the pressure.

Theodore stepped back, admiring his handiwork with a sickening grin on his face. "Perfect," he said, "You look absolutely perfect, my love." 

I faced him, smiling weakly. "Really? This makes me beautiful?" my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes." He said, stroking my face with his hand, "So beautiful."

I looked up at his eyes, and he kissed me. I didn't feel butterflies anymore. I just felt numb. You could cut me in half and I wouldn't know the difference.

"I love you Lily-Ann." He said.

My eyes fluttered. I leaned against his chest, rasping, "I love... you too." My hands were cardboard, pressed against his chest.

I closed my eyes. I didn't need to see that he was grinning wildly.

"I want you to clean the entire mansion today. I need to do some work in the garden." He whispered.

I gasped softly but he heard it, "All.. of it?"

"Yes, darling. Is there a problem?"

"No..." I whispered.

"Good. Get started."

I weakly pulled away from his chest, glancing in the mirror: my waist was looking like an hourglass sand clock.

I walked down the stairs, my footsteps loud and mechanic. 




Theodore passed me with ease, "Don't walk like an elephant. Keep your back straight and act like a lady."

I fell on the stairs.

As I got up, I got a rush to the head; the room was spinning.

I saw Theodore approach me, and when I thought he would give a hand, he just said, "Why aren't you cleaning yet?"

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