Untitled: Part 28

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It was during in the middle of fall back in September,

I was having a hard time until I met my love magically.

I thought we were going to be great friends at first,

But my soulmate fell in love with me so did I the rest is history.

I didn't know September is a valuable season to fall in love,

Ten months is a long time to experience everything in life.

This year will mark one year milestone I had with you,

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you my darling.

I didn't know you would be this special to me moonlight,

Words can't describe the butterflies and blushes you give.

I am a shooting star in the night sky with you watching above,

You are the most valuable and important treasure of my life.

You are the lost key to a hidden and mysterious door,

You are the happiness to my happiness and smile.

You are the petals of my flower and leaves of tree,

You are my reason to be alive and wake up everyday.

You are the source of my joy, the center of my world,

And the whole that makes my heart feel complete.

I love you with my whole heart and soul and mind,

You're all I think about every passing day and night.

I wish I could turn back the clock, I'd find you sooner then,

And love you longer than we could ever imagine ourselves.

Love is a waterfall of emotions, cascading down the cliffs of time,

It is described as an eternal and unending bond to ever exist.

Your love is a constellation of stars, lighting up the darkest corners,

Our love is an eternal sonnet, whispered by stars and inked by the moon.

Love is a celestial dance, where the stars twirl in harmonious ecstasy,

In the realm of love, we soar on the wings of dreams, exploring uncharted skies. 

Your love is a moonlit serenade, enchanting my spirit with its tender melody,

Like a symphony of desire, passion orchestrates the dance of two souls in harmony.

Love is the language of the soul, spoken without words but understood by the heart,

Your love is a fragrance that lingers in the air, enchanting every corner of my existence. 

Anthology Of Love(Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now