Untitled: Part 48

93 15 4

In the tapestry of friendship, once tightly woven,

Threads of connection, a bond unbroken. 

Through laughter and tears, we stood side by side,

 A trio of hearts in which trust did confide.

But alas, the winds of change began to blow,

A subtle shift in the dynamics we'd come to know. 

Days turned to weeks, silence took its hold,

 My once cherished friendships, now growing cold.

My heart once painted in hues of friendship,

Which got torn into pieces of fragments left.

By you both which will remain forever caged,

I wonder why I lost such precious souls in my life.

My mind went back and forth searching for answers,

Yet I realized it wasn't any of my fault because.

I never was that real close to either of you certainly,

I didn't imagine we would go our seperate ways.

I felt so betrayed and shattered by your actions,

I couldn't believe I would lose two important people in my life.

Life can never predict certain scenarios that might occur,

But this was meant to happen eventually.

You said you were not doing much well,

You didn't even bother to reach out.

Seemed like you were doing fine,

That's why I moved on with my life.

You could have opened up to me just like you did with her,

I might have then understood the reasons behind.

But you decided to slowly fade away from my life,

Building a wall between us leaving me out from your lives.

In the echoing silence, I questioned the air, 

Why had my companions retreated, unaware?

They spoke in hushed whispers, a secret shared, 

Leaving me outside, alone and ensnared.

I reached out, my words like a desperate plea, 

Yearning for the warmth that once enveloped me.

 But in return, silence echoed back,

 A chasm of distance, an invisible crack.

They laughed together, a camaraderie anew, 

Excluding me, as if our bond they outgrew. 

Confusion and hurt, my heart did bear, 

As they reveled in moments that I wasn't there.

I gathered courage to express my pain, 

To confront the silence, to break the chain. 

One of them spoke, a dagger to my core, 

"We're close, you see, but not you anymore."

The words struck hard, a piercing dart, 

Ripping through the fabric, tearing me apart.

 Betrayal echoed in the silence that ensued, 

As my ex-best friends embraced their solitude.

Loneliness wrapped around me, a suffocating shroud,

 In the absence of friendship, silence roared loud. 

I pondered the moments, the laughter we'd shared,

 Now replaced by solitude, a bond impaired.

Yet, in the wreckage of what once was, 

I found strength, resilience.

 A courage that does rise from the ashes of a friendship demise, 

A phoenix of self-love, in solitude it lies.

For friends may falter, relationships may bend,

 But within ourselves, a love that will mend.

 The echoes of betrayal may linger and sting, 

But within our own hearts, we find the strength to sing.

In the symphony of life, new melodies play, 

As friendships may crumble, new bonds find their way.

 And so, I walk forward, resilient and free, 

Embracing the solitude, discovering me.

Anthology Of Love(Poetry Collection)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant