|12|: Marriage/شادی

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The crockery clanked as the spoons and forks touched it as everyone ate their meal. Rehmat Bibi as usual sat on the head chair having her sons sat at each side of her. The dinner was quiet. No one really spoke except for formal greetings. It was suffocating eating with this silence, but none dared say a word. They chose to stay silent rather than confront the ultimate truth.

"Is everything going fine with the company?"

Subhan glanced at his grandmother and locked eyes with his father who was already staring at him. A swift shake of his head, he knew he has to hide the matters from his grandmother.

"Yes." He kept the reply short. His grandmother was the lady of years of experience and knowledge. He couldn't possibly lie to her, but he tried. He didn't want to burden her. She's already growing weaker and weaker day by day.

"That's great to hear. You have grave responsibility upon your shoulders. Always take your decisions wisely."

Nodding at the advice of his grandmother, he resumed eating.

The gush of the winds and the sound of his breath were only audible to him. Subhan has blocked the rest of the chaos for a time being, so that he can focus on the peace of his mind for a while. Taking a sip of his strong black coffee, he felt calmness spreading throughout his body. The bitter taste soothe the burn daggering in his chest and he somewhat felt...normal. Like he wasn't going completely insane. Like he was still....him.

He was so lost to the puzzle of his mind that he didn't hear the footsteps approaching him. A light touch on the back of his shoulder had him turning around to face the intruder.

"Are you alright, Bhai?" Natalia asked.

His eyes darted to the worry lines between her eyes brows and he instantly felt guilty. Masking a fake smile on his lips, he tried to act nonchalant

"Of course, I am, kiddo." He used that ugly nickname for her which she hated the most to somewhat make her believe of his fake facade. His efforts went down the drain, when he heard her intake a painful sigh.

"I know you're not."

Those were small words and they were purely of concern. But they didn't calm the erratic beating of his heart. He was still not immune to that daggering.

"I know how everyone is looking up to you. And I know it's getting hard for you, but you can do it."

Her sisterly heart couldn't bare to see her now only brother in disdain. There was so much more of him that the world has yet to see.

Natalia got a small of a smile in return and heard him tease

"You're getting mature." His comment pulled a smile out of her and she laughed only a little bit. She felt him placing his hand on her head like she's a kid and heard him say

"Don't worry your little mind too much. I'm fit as a fiddle. You just live your life. Leave the stress and tension to me."

She wanted to argue back. He didn't deserve this. He can't be the only one burdening himself with something that is not his fault.

You are wrong.
You deserve so much Bhai.

She couldn't voice out those words because he left. Leaving her there with her agonizing thoughts. She wiped a stray tear that left her eyes unwillingly. Looking up in the sky, she smiled.

"He has changed a lot, Hammad Bhai." As the words left her mouth, she couldn't help let out a sob.

She misses him. Way too much. It hurts endlessly. It's unfair.

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