|21|: Serenity/اطمینان

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کس نے پایا سکون دُنیا میں
زندگانی کا سامنا کر کے

The light knock on the door caught the undivided attention of the son and father duo as they both were confined in the study going through some documents. The maid came in once she heard the approval. Placing steaming hot cups of tea on the table, she left the room just as quietly as she came. Owais leaned back and took a sip from the cup. The warm liquid working like magic as his tiredness toned down a notch.

"Well done. You've been making progress."

Subhan chuckled and nodded at his father. It felt nice to be appreciated by his father. Not that he appreciates him. But this was something he wasn't expert in and earning a compliment feels so much like an accomplishment. It was rewarding for the hard work he was putting into his work. The efforts he is making to not let the company loose it's charm.

"I've been thinking of asking you something." Subhan said to his father. He continued when he got that little shake of his father's head.

"I was wondering to pay a visit to the shelter home we have in Islamabad. I got news its in bad condition."

Owais nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"You should. I haven't been able to look into that matter too. Hammad was the one to take care of everything."

He couldn't help but mention his son. Subhan felt that tightness in his chest which he always feels when he hears anything about his brother. But he chose not to dwell on it. He had a task in hand.

His emotions can come sometime later. Or maybe never.

"I'll try to go as soon as possible. Maybe I'll stay there for a day or two."

Owais nodded completely agreeing with him.

"Just tell me if you need any help. Don't think your father is old. I'm still as young as you are."

A laugh bubbled out of his chest at the jolly mood of his father. It's been ages since he last saw him acting like the way he is. It was refreshing seeing the smile that caged his features as he drank from his cup of tea. He felt like he really achieved something if his father is happy.

It feels good. To make someone smile.

He went back to his work after a while of staying in his mind. He knows it's not the best place to stay in. Taking occasional sips of his tea, he buried himself in office files.


Safa wrapped the shawl around her shoulders as she got ready for university. Her mood was extra cheerful today. Given it's her last exam before she gets her freedom back. Months of studying and she'll be free today. Nothing compares to that feeling.

"You look happy."

Safa gasped as she turned around to find the cheeky girl standing at room's door.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Mehreeen said sheepishly as she invited herself in.

"What made you so happy?" Safa's cheeks coated with red as she finds her excuse lame. But she had no choice to tell her as Mehreen looked at her with curious eyes.

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