Chapter 7: River's Reflexes

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 Author's Note: I've never had a story's characters want to do so much talking! Lol. They won't shut up! Anyway, chapter 8 is almost done so it won't be too long before I post that one. Work keeps getting in the way of my writing time, so here is an extra long chapter for now. Thanks for being patient!

Chapter 7: River's Reflexes

River dared to look over at Carenza's face when he heard her funny laugh. In doing so, he saw a vehicle coming down the street way too fast. "Whoa," he said out loud. Ryan heard him, shifted the box he was carrying and slung a protective arm out against Wyatt to keep him from going further. However, Carenza was looking at the ground to navigate the step off the curb towards the car.

To his horror, River saw that she was about to get hit.

He dropped the two bags he was holding and ran forward. Grabbing Carenza from behind and pulling her against him, he backed up just in the nick of time. Unfortunately, his heel caught the curb, taking him and Carenza both down into the grass.

"Aah!" Carenza yelped, startled at being yanked backwards and then down to the ground so suddenly.

"Ooof!" River got the wind knocked out of him slightly, but no real harm was done.

"Holy shit!" Ryan exclaimed. "Watch where you're going, asshole!!" he yelled angrily at the car, even though he knew it wouldn't do any good.

In another few seconds, River realized he still had a hold on Carenza, gripping her tightly to his chest. Mortified, he let her go and jumped up like he had been burned. "Oh my god, I am so sorry," he apologized, offering a hand down to help her stand.

"What the hell are you sorry for? You just saved my life," said Carenza breathlessly, her large eyes even bigger in shock at what just happened. "Thank you," she said softly. She tried to look River in the face but as soon as she was standing, he let go of her hand and couldn't seem to keep eye contact with her.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry," said River again, clearly in distress. She nodded, which barely helped him calm down. His face was beet red as he picked up the bags he'd dropped and went to stand on the other side of Wyatt.

"That was pretty badass, Riv," said Ryan, impressed with his brother.

"Oh, shut up," River muttered, not wanting to be the center of attention at the moment.

Wyatt nudged him with an elbow, smiling. "Come on, guys. Let's go." This time, they all watched very carefully for traffic before crossing the road back to the Pub.

As soon as they got in the door, Bethany threw her arms around River and Carenza, squeezing them so tightly that Carenza dropped her drawstring bag. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! I saw the whole thing through the window! Don't you all ever scare me like that again," she admonished tearfully before letting them go. "Are you alright?"

"We're fine, Bethany! We landed in the grass. River has good reflexes," she gave a small laugh to reassure her that they really were okay. "Can I get a pint, though? My heart is still going a mile a minute."

"Of course, dear! Go sit down with the boys." Bethany rushed away to get her a drink to calm her nerves.

They set Carenza's stuff down under their table, trying to keep it from being a trip hazard. Ryan and Wyatt sat next to each other on purpose, leaving River to sit with Carenza on the opposite side of the booth.

River glared pointedly at them before trying to school his features into a nonchalant expression as Carenza wiggled around on the wooden bench, trying to get comfortable. She was so short that when she sat back all the way in the seat, the toes of her shoes barely scraped the floor.

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