Chapter 48

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This is the second time that Xu Jinchao draws a question mark in his mind over Yulan's human confusion.

She looked at the few lines of text, especially the words "pretty sweet." She moved her eyes to the selfie thumbnail and couldn't help but stretch her finger to open it.

Although the pixels are weak, it cannot cover the natural sarcasm of Yu Lan's fake smile and the weak viciousness of the thug who carries out illegal and criminal debt collection activities.

Xu Jinchao felt that Yu Lan was afraid of not being mad, so she felt that her smile was sweet.

She remembered the phone vibrating in her pocket earlier as she bought fried dough sticks. It should have come from Yu Lan's request for help, but she was taking out her wallet to pay and didn't check it in time, so the anxious Alpha female plucked up the courage to send it to Song Jiao.

Xu Jinchao wondered, "What is she doing?"

Song Jiao has already shown a tolerant (sarcastic) smile that belongs to the acting master when he looks at the novice in the class, and the 30-year-old sister looks at the incompetent sister.

Omega withdrew from the message and handed his cellphone to Xu Jinchao, who unknowingly took it.

Song Jiao tapped the camera logo below the screen and motioned for Xu Jinchao to open it, "I'll teach him, it's so stupid that people can't stand it."

She decided to be merciful and let little rookie Yulan see what true sweetness is.

Xu Jinchao didn't really realize what Song Jiao was going to do for a while. She lifted her phone and took the girl in the gray stocking cap into the viewfinder.

Under the camera, Song Jiao always looks scornful and arrogant, like a proud kitten who won the rat trapping championship and marched through the streets wearing a big red flower. .

The place where the two bought breakfast is outside of Chunyue Community. It's a narrow alley. There are small shops with low rise bungalows on both sides. breath.

Behind Song Jiao is a wonton cart. The boss is cooking wontons outside, and behind is a dappled brick wall, an open iron door, and people crammed inside sitting in Maza eating wontons.

Xu Jinchao couldn't help but take a few steps back and adjust the angle so that the composition image he intuitively wanted in his mind appeared on the cellphone screen.

Then she saw a very wonderful scene.

Waiting for her to lower the phone, adjust the proportions of the characters and the background, and raise her hand to indicate OK.

Song Jiao, who was still proud and ridiculed at the start, interprets what it means to change faces faster than turning a book.

Song Jiao's eyebrows and expressions began to change, her dark and bright pupils turned slightly under her eyelashes, and she adjusted from the original squinted eyes to a soft and friendly position.

When the sarcastically raised eyebrows were flattened, the droopy eyes that were inherently innocent smiled, and the eyebrows were happy and stretched, and a bright smile appeared on her cute and beautiful little face, and the smile was sweet and innocent.

Warm winter sun, gray woolen cap, knitted scarf tightly wrapped around the neck, loosely braided braids on the shoulders, short down jackets that turn the whole person into small buns, with a sweet and carefree youthful smile.

Xu Jinchao pressed the shutter to freeze the girl and the loud market behind her on the screen.

She checked the photos she took and saw the excess vitality and honey that was about to spill out of the screen, and she was madly swept away by two words in her heart: Awesome!

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