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Third person POV 

Meloni and Caitlin walk behind Jay who storms angrily into the Cortex where Harrison Wells are. And Meloni can't say she's missed him very much. She knows him through Jesse, her best friend on Earth-2. 

"You are insane. Okay? We are not luring Zoom anywhere." Jay bursts out. 

Meloni meets Malcolm's gaze and he immediately narrows his eyes at her. Meloni keeps her emotionless gaze on him.

Meloni walks to stand beside her father. 

"Apparently, they know each other. And Jay and Meloni are not fans." Caitlin informs Barry, Cisco, Arlo and Malcolm. 

"Well, well, well. Like everyone else, I assumed our Earth-2 Flash was dead. Why am I not surprised to find Jay Garrick here? Still alive. And in hiding, a full universe away from Zoom. Oh, well, no surprise in seeing the daughter too." Harry retorts. 

"I'm not in hiding. Zoom nearly killed me and stole my speed before the Singularity pulled me here." Jay shoots back. 

"Is that right?" Harry whispers with an deadpanned look. 

"Yeah, that's right." Jay stares emotionless at Harry. 

"Well, whatever the case is, in your absence, Zoom has only gotten more powerful, faster." Harry speaks before turning to Barry. "Barry, you have to defeat Zoom now, while you still can." 

"Wonderful pep talk, Harry." Meloni retorts coldly. "And just for the matter of fact, at least my dad managed to trick everyone he's dead. Zoom thinks he's dead. But you? Zoom probably knows you escaped him. As I see it, your level of IQ lays much lower than Jay Garrick's." 

Harry shoots the auburn-haired speedster a deadpanned look. 

"Ellie's right. And this isn't the time to be reckless. We don't even know why Zoom sent Dr. Light here. She's a thief, not a killer." Jay glares at Harry. 

Meloni walks over and stands beside Barry. 

"Zoom can make people do things out of character." Harry argues, glaring back. He glances at Barry. "Thief or not, she'll kill you." 

Barry walks closer to them. "All right. Look, hey, we can decide what to do with Light later. First, we have to find her. Okay?" 

Harry takes up his paper mug from Big Belly Burger and takes a loud slurp through the straw as he keeps his eyes on Jay. 

Barry sighs as Harry walks over to the computer. 

Barry turns to Cisco as he walks closer to him. "Hey, how did you know that she was breaking into the bank?" 

Cisco pulls out his phone. "I-I got an alert on my phone. It's a little ring-a-ding...Every time there's a robbery at the bank." He stutters out. 

Barry scrunches his face in confusion. "What?" 

Caitlin smiles slightly when she notices how Meloni looks at Barry. Not emotionless, but neutral. There's a small glint of admiration in her light blue eyes. 

"But you know what? I think I can get the S.T.A.R. Labs' satellite to scan for any irregular solar radiation emissions, and we can find Dr. Light's...light." 

Jay crosses his arms with his back against them as he watches Harry with an glare set onto the back of Harry's head. 

"Okay. I'm gonna also, um, call Joe. See if CCPD has any leads. Why don't we keep them apart until I get back. Meloni? Can you help with that? I got a feeling Jay will listen to you." Barry looks at her with pleading eyes. 

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