𝟎𝟏𝟔, ᴹᴼᴺˢᵀᴱᴿ

425 23 9

Third person POV 

H.R. pulls off a tablecloth from a silver plate, revealing the plate filled with bagels next to the plate with bread toppings and butter. "Sumptuous day. Oh, no, on this Earth, I believe you say..." 

"Good morning." Cisco helps him out. 

"Good morning." H.R. repeats. "And it is, isn't it? I mean..." He taps the drumsticks on the table in a rhythm. "The music on your Earth, well, it strikes a chord, no pun intended. Please, help yourself. I find a crew works best when it's well-fed and well-rested." 

"I like him." Meloni comments. 

H.R. bows. "Well, thank you, Meloni Zolomon." 

Barry crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes at the Wells man. Although he appreciates what the man has fixed for them, he does not appreciate men flirting or being overly kind to his girlfriend. But he has other worries, the same worries as Meloni. How they will announce that Hunter Zolomon is back and is here to stay, do they not know. Caitlin will not react the best, they assume. 

"Are those coffees for us too? And is there anything else other than coffee?" Meloni questions, hoping there is something else than coffee. She despises coffee. The only reason why she tolerates it is because the two men she loves, Barry Allen and Hunter Zolomon, like coffee. So she tolerates it for them. But, personally, she hates it. The taste, the smell. 

"Yes indeed, Meloni Zolomon. But, do not worry, I took the liberty of reading through your ledgers last night. A lot of information to absorb, but let's see how I did." H.R. speaks. He picks up one of the to-go mugs and holds it out to Iris. "Skim milk chai latte." He bows. 

"Okay." Iris accepts the mug. 

"Okay." H.R. repeats before going back to take one mug. "And an iced Americano with two- no, three shots of espresso." He hands it to Wally. 

"Boom." Wally smiles. 

H.R. points at him. "That happened, Walter." 

"It's Wally." Meloni and Wally speak in unison. 

"Wally." H.R. repeats. 

Wally gives Meloni a grateful smile. Meloni gives him a simple nod in return. Since her father kidnapped the West boy, she might imagine he would not react all too well when he finds out about Hunter Zolomon's permanent return. 

H.R. picks up two mugs. "Now, for my fleet-of-foot friend and amazing speedster hybrid. Oh, you'd best stay to decaf." He tells Barry before giving him the mug. 

Barry chuckles, accepting the mug. "Probably for the best, yeah." 

H.R. turns to Meloni. "Now, Meloni Middle Name Zolomon, a vanilla chai latte." He bows and holds out the mug. 

Meloni stares blankly but accepts the mug. "Thank you." 

"You are welcome, Ms. Zolomon." H.R. speaks before turning to Cisco. His smile fades away, suddenly he looks serious. "San Francisco." 

Cisco raises his eyebrows. 

H.R. speaks with an imitated French accent. "I have 'prepar-ed' a French roast with a touch of creamer." He hands the engineer the mug. 

Cisco smiles slightly as he eyes the mug before looking up at H.R. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome." H.R. speaks. He then starts chuckling as Cisco takes a sip. "Did you know, on my Earth, coffee crop was wiped out by blight? I mean, that's one more reason to stay on this Earth, for the coffee alone." 

Cisco shrugs slightly. "Yeah, though, that's if you stay." 

"If I stay." H.R. repeats. "Time is of the essence. Here's what I propose, a series of team-building exercises. Now, I've hidden a series of clues all around the facility. What I propose is, we break into two groups, all right, and you can pick a partner. You're-" 

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