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I wake up feeling determined and ready to tackle the day. After texting Sophia about meeting up at the library, I quickly get myself prepared for class. I grab my backpack, making sure I have all my notes and textbooks, and head out the door. It's time to ace that makeup test and show Coach Ryan and Professor Clarke what I'm capable of!

As I sit in English Lit class, listening attentively to Professor Clarke, I diligently take notes. This time, I won't be moping around about my grade and parents messy divorce. I'll actively listen to Professor Clarke's lecture and take thorough notes. I know that engaging with the material will enhance my understanding and help me succeed in this class. No more daydreaming - it's time to fully immerse myself in the world of English literature!

After class, I approach Professor Clarke and confidently express my determination to ace the makeup test. "I won't let you down," I assure her. "Thank you for your engaging lecture today." Professor Clarke smiles and replies, "No worries, Jake. I believe in you." Feeling encouraged, I head out to grab a coffee before meeting up with Sophia.

As I wait in line at the coffee bar, I quickly text Sophia, "Hey, want a coffee and a muffin? It's on me!" She replies, "Yes, please! Much needed."

I order two large coffees, and head out with a spring in my step.

I quickly text Sophia to let her know that I've arrived. She spots me and waves, and I wave back with a smile. "Hey, it's nice to finally meet you," I say softly. Sophia responds with a warm smile, "Likewise."

I hand Sophia her coffee with a smile and take a seat beside her. We both pull out our textbooks and notes, ready to dive into our studies. It's time to crack on and make the most of this study session!

As the hour goes by, our first study session goes incredibly well. We discuss concepts, share insights, and help each other understand challenging topics. The time flies as we delve deeper into our textbooks and notes, making progress together.

As we get up and pack up our textbooks, Sophia turns to me and says, "Well done, Jake! That was a great first tutoring session. I'm confident that with your dedication, you'll ace this exam in no time." Her words of encouragement boost my confidence, and I feel motivated to keep working hard.

"Definitely, Sophia! I reply with, Studying together has been awesome".

Sophia turns to me and also says, "We'll read the next poem and give it a go. It's best to read them all so we have an idea of what poem might come up and what to analyse." I nod in agreement, recognizing the importance of familiarising ourselves with all the poems to be prepared for any question that may come our way. Let's dive into the next poem together!

As we both separate and head in different directions, I can't help but notice Sophia carrying her guitar case and backpack over her shoulder. My first impression of her is that she's not only intelligent and dedicated to her studies, but also has a creative and musical side. It adds another layer of intrigue to her personality, and I look forward to getting to know her better.

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