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Hidden in the shadows, I watched as the events of that evening unfolded before me, a mixture of bitterness and jealousy swirling within me. Tiffany stood by my side, and I couldn't help but notice the happiness and excitement radiating from the group. A group that once included me, until Sophia became the center of their attention.

My gaze remained fixed on Jake and Sophia, their connection palpable even from a distance. The music room had been transformed into a haven of intimacy, a stage for Jake to reveal his true feelings. The song he played, the confessions they shared, it was all too much to bear.

Tiffany's excited whispers and gasps of approval only grated on my nerves. I could see the genuine joy in her eyes, a stark contrast to the turmoil that churned within me. She seemed to revel in the moment, seemingly oblivious to the storm of emotions that raged within my heart.

As Jake and Sophia's lips met in a tender kiss, a surge of envy coursed through me. I clenched my fists, struggling to contain the frustration that threatened to spill over. It wasn't fair. Sophia had everything—Jake's affection, the admiration of her friends, the talent that had brought them all together. And now, even the love story that had blossomed before my very eyes.

Tiffany's nudging pulled me from my thoughts, and I forced a strained smile. "They seem happy," she remarked, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

I bit back a bitter retort and simply nodded, unable to fully mask the resentment that simmered beneath the surface. In that moment, as I watched the group celebrate and embrace, I couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling that I had been cast aside, left in the shadows as they reveled in their newfound happiness.

As the night continued and the echoes of their laughter filled the air, I knew that I would have to come to terms with the reality of the situation. But for now, I remained hidden in the darkness, a silent observer of a world that had moved on without me—a world where Sophia was the shining star, and I was left to grapple with the jealousy that consumed me.

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