Chapter Thirty Six

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ah, sorry for being gone so long! I'm back with a doozy, though!


Harry woke up to a mouthful of blonde hair. Blonde hair that smelled like liquor, and made Harry scrunch his nose in disgust. He opened one eye slowly, trying not to disturb his bed-mate. Riley, Harry remembered. Riley, who Harry brought home last night, late despite it being a Thursday. Thankfully, Riley was snoring quietly, clearly undisturbed. Harry blinked both eyes open, with some struggle due to the fatigue that plagued him as a memory of his bad decisions.

Riley slept with his back to Harry, long hair spilling over onto Harry's side of the bed. They weren't cuddling, but Harry felt crowded, nonetheless. Harry turned over slowly, muscles protesting at the smallest movement. He reached for his phone on the nightstand, sighing when the time revealed itself to be 6:55. He would have to wake up in five, and it was probably for the best that his alarm didn't wake up his houseguest. After getting himself out of bed as slowly as humanly possible, Harry left a note on the opposite nightstand letting Riley know he could grab breakfast before he left. He didn't know much about his bedmate, but he trusted him enough not to steal any valuable goods in the house on his way out.

Harry padded into the kitchen, finding Louis already awake, with his back to Harry.

"Morning." Harry greeted, watching Louis freeze at his words. Louis turned slowly, a fake smile plastered across his face,

"Hey!" Louis said, voice strained. Harry quirked an eyebrow at him, watching Louis' blue eyes look anywhere but his own. "Gotta blast!"

And, what? Louis threw his shoes on and practically flung himself out the front door, leaving Harry in a daze. It wasn't like Harry was stupid. He knew how awkward this situation was. That's why he went out drinking in the first place.

After rehearsal yesterday, the last thing Harry wanted to do was go home and face Louis. Louis and his undeniable energy, the light that shone out of every pore in his petite body. He couldn't stand it. Not sober, anyway.

So Harry went straight to the bar, in his work clothes. He really intended on staying for a couple drinks and going home, but he met Riley at the end of drink two. He offered to buy Harry a drink, and who was he to turn down a free beverage?

Things got fuzzy after that.

But now, Harry stood barefoot in his kitchen, the cold tiles sending shocks up his spine. His sweatpants hung low on his hips, the only thing he could throw on without waking Riley. Harry sighed, going to make himself breakfast before Riley woke up. That wasn't something he wanted to face at seven am.


For all their awkwardness at home, Harry and Louis managed rehearsals just fine. Class that morning went as it always did, comforting and constant. If anything, Louis was more distant that day than usual. He kept eyeing Nick's spot on the wall barre, Nick sending him sly looks out of the corner of his eye.

What in fuck's name is going on here?

Harry turned to Gigi and El to see if they had any answers, but they were both pre-occupied with learning the combination Simon was teaching up front. Niall and Liam were on the barre next to theirs, and they were busy trying to flick each other's arms without Simon noticing. It seemed Harry was alone.

Class ended eventually, Harry wiping sweat from where it had pooled on his hairline. Harry turned to find Louis, but he had vanished. Gigi was there though.

"Has Louis seemed off to you today?" Harry asked, Gigi turning to him, wispy baby hairs framing her face. She considered for a moment, shrugging.

"Not sure." She hummed, walking with Harry out to the hallways. "He's been off the past few days, though."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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