|Chapter 1|

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So now I've done it. Lost in another world, This place is not Elcordia. Everything feels different. the atmosphere. The aura. The ground I'm standing on even feels different. The sun is beating down heavily here. In Elcordia the sun was setting...

Complete chaos breaks out in my head. What am I going to do?? How do I get home? My phone! I pull out my cell phone from the back pocket of my jeans. My eyes glance down at the screen.

No service.....

Oh my. I'm lost... Alright, let's not panic yet. start walking. I can't give up yet. I have to make it back home.

I turn away from the crumbles of rock that used to be the rock wall that I came out of.

I glance upward to the sky. Slowly lowering my head I fully grasp this world. The trees are swaying back and forth with the wind, the grass is tall and overgrown. Small gloomy blue and violet-purple flowers filled out the overgrown grass nicely.

I notice hanging down on the tresses are dim lights. Hmmm

So there are people here?

I have to keep going. I should follow the lights. It should take me back to civilization. I immediately stop in my tracks. My heart begins to race. I take notice of every beat my heart makes. Is there a possibility that the civilization I'm assuming is close by isn't humans?

I'm scared. I glance towards the sky once more.

Mom? can you see the situation I'm in right now? I wish you were here.

I shift my eyes forward.

I pick up my feet and start walking. Walking turns to running. All I can think about while running through this beautiful but scary world is how much I don't want to die here.

please don't die here, Raine.

my legs begin having a burning sensation but I will not stop or should I say I cannot stop myself at the moment. I'm panicking. I need to go home.

I look around at my surroundings. I see no civilization at all.

Within a blink, a large reddish wolf begins to run alongside me. I kick my legs faster than I was before. The wolf keeps right up to me.

Wait. This wolf is a lot bigger than a regular wolf... I examine the wolf sprinting alongside me. Its eyes are a hazel brown and its fur is a reddish brown.

The wolf immediately stops, and I keep on sprinting further away. I glance back at the wolf only to catch something interesting.

the wolf howls up to the sky.

Huh? It's daylight out. don't wolves howl to the moon?

My eyes open wide. It's calling to its pack...

I kick my legs faster. My legs feel like they're going to give out any moment but I have to keep going or I really will die here.

I can't give up.

I look back once more. The wolf is gone.

Where did it go?

I immediately check both sides of myself. Did I lose it?

I started to slow down a lot. My run turns to a jog, which then turns to a complete stop. My legs feel like jelly. I can't keep running forever.

Why haven't I found a person yet? why haven't I seen anything but trees?

I take a moment to collect my thoughts.

I'm coming for you.

Rings through my head.

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