|Chapter 5|

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My eyes open to be met nose to nose with Kiyoka. His eyes are still closed. He must be asleep. I take a moment to notice our position in bed. One of my arms is wrapped around his neck. My legs are securely wrapped around his lower half.

Only to be dreadfully reminded that I'm currently wearing the dress from yesterday that has risen over my lower half exposing my underwear. I shuffle my dress back down over my legs and gently move myself quietly off of Kiyoka.

Before completely removing myself from Kiyoka's strong muscular body, his hand reaches out and grabs me bringing me closer to him.

He caresses my face with his free hand, gently forcing me to look at him. His eyes were still looking hazy from just waking up.

"You were going to get up without me?" He asks. His piercing golden-yellow frowned eyes look back at me.

I wonder if it's okay for me to fall for him. That's what I'm destined to do, right? If I took off this amulet I would feel everything I was supposed to feel? What if he's not this nice guy like he's putting off? What if he's a bad person?

I can't yet. I can't let myself just let go of my past life. I have to know why I wasn't able to have a life here. Why wasn't I able to meet him sooner? this was supposed to be my life and it feels like I was robbed.

Patiently awaiting my answer Kiyoka continues to stare at me. I become embarrassed and look away from him, practically jumping out of bed.

Kiyokas expression changes. I take no further looks at him and walk straight out of his room.

I need to keep whatever I'm feeling to myself for now. I can't have myself all lovey-dovey. I have to figure out why someone tried concealing my identity.

"Raine!" I hear Kiyoka's voice echoing throughout the hall as I walk down the hall to the master bathroom.

I haven't forgotten that Kiyoka can hear my thoughts.

Closing the door shut and locking it before letting my knees buckle to the ground, sliding down the door until my butt hit the floor. I hear heavy footsteps approaching the door I'm hiding behind.

My mind wonders to Lucy and Jeremy. I wonder if they thought I was dead? if they thought I had run away. Lucy would know what to do right now...

This is so unreal for me. All I can do is question my future.

His shadow stays put at the crack at the bottom of the door.

"I want you to meet a couple of the pack wolves today. It would be in your best interest if you met some girls here. I don't want you to only think of me if you need to talk to someone." Kiyoka let's on.

How considerate.

My mind begins to ease. Maybe that would be for the best. I should talk to other girls about my situation.

"That's fine. Could you bring me some other clothes by chance? I should wash up." I ask politely.

I don't hear Kiyoka's voice respond. His heavy footsteps descend.

Silent type huh?

Alright, I can get through this. It should be 'fun' talking to the girls. alone.

I shouldn't think more about Kiyoka or subjects that possibly could upset him and have him eventually read my thoughts.

I told Kiyoka I would take my amulet off within a few days. I wonder if he's thinking about it.

I caress my fingertips over the mossy green tiny circular amulet wrapped around my neck. Hm. I don't know if I should take it off so soon...

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