Chapter Six: Surprises and Silly Messages

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I was stopped maybe at least a dozen times on my way back to my desk after lunch.

Many commented that it was a good idea I went home and changed into something more presentable before the industry update this afternoon. Since they came up with the excuse themselves, I decided to go along with it, grinning and bearing it until my teeth felt like they were about to fall out of my mouth. 

Seriously. I didn't personally know a lot of these people but apparently, my little spotlight moment seemed to have hurtled me into acquaintance-status with everyone. As if I already didn't have enough of other people's unsolicited opinion about me to last me a lifetime. 

Theodora, who would have plenty of not-so-nice-things to say about me, was already waiting at my desk, looking hostile, her eyes narrowing even further when she saw my new outfit.

"That's an extra fifteen minutes you're late from lunch, Maxine," she said curtly as I stepped around her to get to my chair. "Do you think today's slack-off-at-work day?"

For you that's every day, isn't it, I almost blurted out if I didn't bite the inside of my cheek. 

Instead, I forced a smile. "I was actually held up in a short, informal engagement interview with Mr. Hedenby on my way back from lunch. He said he was going to email you. Maybe you haven't checked your inbox yet."

I sure hoped to God that Luke didn't forget about that email to Theodora or I'd have disaster in my hands.

"I thought you already met with him earlier. He came all the way down to tell you."

Oh, crap. How do I explain that one?

I pursed my lips in thought as a delaying tactic. "Oh, he just wanted to ask why I wasn't included in that general meeting earlier when he'd extended the invite to all the employees and I was obviously in the office today to do so. I explained my little incident about getting caught in the rain and he totally understood."

I didn't mean to alarm Theodora with that excuse I just spewed out but her eyes widened  anxiously all of a sudden and she straightened and backed away.

"Anyway, I've really got to get back to my tasks if I'm going to be gone for an hour for the industry update later," I told her cheerfully as she nodded and turned back to return to her desk.

I let out a small, quiet sigh as I logged back into my computer. 

I needed to tell Luke the excuse I gave Theodora about the meeting he called me into before lunch but despite the lunch hour we spent and all that, I didn't have any of his contact information and I was pretty sure I just couldn't look up his name in Outlook.

I reopened my conversation window with Jillian. 

Maxine Moss: Hey, J. Do you have the number to Mr. H's office? Or his email? Is it the same format as everyone?

Jillian Dane: How's lunch?

Maxine Moss: It was great. But I forget to get his contact info. I need to email him about something.

Jillian Dane: His email is a bit different. It's not in the general Outlook directory. You need at least level-3 manager access to email him.

Maxine Moss: Crap. How about Peggy Bernardson? She's his secretary.

Jillian Dane: Ext. 3401

Maxine moss: Thanks! I owe you a coffee.

Jillian Dane: You owe me yours and Mr. H's firstborn. 

My throat closed up as soon as I read Jill's words that a dry but loud choking sound croaked out of me. A few people glanced my way. I smiled and rubbed my throat a little, hoping that an appearance of coming down with some kind of cold would explain my inability to speak at the moment and the fact that my face was as hot as red as someone with a fever.

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