Chapter Twelve: The Push and Pull

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On Saturday morning, the kitchen appliances we ordered arrived along with the technician who was installing the dishwasher. I thought Luke had gotten me a countertop one or something small like that but the man came with a tall but narrow one to install in one of the lower cupboards which I had to scramble to clear. I probably needed a written consent from my landlord but it was too late now. I would just have to figure it out later.

I was sorting the clean laundry while the technician was working when my cellphone rang.

“Did they get it all done?” Luke asked.

“Almost,” I answered, glancing at the kitchen. “He brought a real dishwasher, Luke.”

“Uh, I definitely didn’t order a fake one,” he said in an amused tone. 

“Did you switch the order or something?” I demanded. “I’ll probably get into trouble for installing this without permission.”

“I’m sure your landlord would appreciate your initiative to install a dishwasher in the suite at your expense,” he answered. “Makes it more attractive to the next tenant. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

I sighed. “I shouldn’t have let you talk me into this.”

“It would’ve shown up today regardless,” he said, chuckling. “How much longer does he need?”

“He said probably another ten minutes.”

“Oh, perfect,” he said. “Buzz me in. I’m on my way up with breakfast. See you in five.”

I stared at the phone after he hung up.

This situation with Luke was an absolute puzzle despite the fact that I was actually getting used to it. 

After our shopping spree and fast-food dinner on Wednesday, things fell into more of a routine. 

Luke joined me at Cleo’s on both Thursday and Friday morning and talked me into car-pooling with him to work. He ate with us on Thursday for lunch but had to skip on Friday for a business meeting. On both afternoons after work, he drove me home. On Friday night, we hung out at my apartment after making pizza and watched a movie, spending the rest of the evening talking afterwards until he reluctantly left at about midnight.

And now at ten in the morning on a Saturday, he was showing up at my apartment with breakfast.

Part of me still suspected that something was going to give his agenda away, if he really had one to begin with, but other than his usual affectionate displays, Luke tried nothing that went past our friendship’s boundaries. He was always sweet and considerate—which I realized was just Luke’s nature—but he still teased and bugged me, even occasionally calling me baby when he was being playful, although never once in front of Jillian or other employees. He didn’t show signs of slowing down when it came to spending time with me but as flabbergasted as I was about his actions, I couldn’t deny that I was actually having a good time and for the life of me, I didn’t want it to stop anytime soon. 

My hand went up to my hair which was piled high in a messy bun and I wondered whether to fix it up or not. I had changed into a pair of gray cotton sweats and a basic white shirt for the appliance delivery but I’d forgone the makeup and a hairbrush. 

I don’t think Luke is going to care. If he does, that’s his problem for showing up on your day off.

The technician was just gathering his tools and cleaning up when Luke arrived, carrying a brown paper bag and a coffee tray from Cleo’s. He was casually dressed today in a pair of faded jeans and a gray cotton shirt which showed off his broad shoulders and his strong athletic arms. This was the first time I’ve seen him in something other than his usual dress clothes and he looked younger and more relaxed.

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