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───※ ·NSIKAN· ※───

The next day came swiftly, and I still couldn't forget the story my mother had told me yesterday. Seated on my fluffy white chair with my elbows on my reading table, I tried hard to concentrate on the textbook below my chin. My phone was right beside me, untouched. So many times I tried reaching out to it, but so many times I declined by shaking my head.

"I know he said he's your tutor, but can't you do the simplest thing yourself?" I had mock exams tomorrow, yet I couldn't concentrate. I was the one who wanted the full story from my mother, and now that I'd gotten it, it was hard to focus on something else.

"But one call can't hurt, right?" I reached for my phone and didn't bother scrolling through my contact list since Damian was the most recent call I'd received, knowing he called to ask for Chuks' address. Hearing the dial tone made me regret my decision. There was no way he was going to let me go to his place. I quickly ended the call before he could answer it and dumped my phone close to the edge of my reading table.


I gave my phone a bombastic side eye as it lit up, showcasing the caller ID. Charming Prince.

Sighing, I stretched my hands to grab my phone and swiped to answer. "Good afternoon, Damian."

"Don't tell me that was a flash," he said, his voice so cool and collected that it momentarily kept me at ease. "How are you?"

Damian's sincerely asking how I was doing sent butterflies through my stomach. Or were they dragonflies? Whichever it was, I tried not to think too much about it. A lot was already going on in my life. And his cares were giving me mixed emotions. Reading Damian's actions wrongly and getting hurt in the end would worsen my already heavy burden.

"I'm fine," I said, flipping the pages of the textbook. "I'm trying to study."

"Trying," Damian said, stretching that word. "Why? Getting distraction."

"Are you a wizard?" I gasped.

"I think it's obvious you are not concentrating." I slumped my shoulders and began playing with my pen.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Trying to study. My brows furrowed at his words.

"You, try? No way!" I chuckled, momentarily forgetting my presence. "Are you mirroring me to make me feel better?"

"I don't study, remember?" Damian said instead, and I pouted and nodded, though he couldn't see that. "The tutoring was a two-way thing."

I sat upright once a thought got to me and blurted it out before I could stop myself. "Since we both are trying to study, why don't I come over so we can study together? There are still some topics I need your help with."

Dead silence was what met me at the end of my sentence. Pressing my lips, I thought of my idea as a bad one. Ever since that incident with his Mum, Damian hasn't suggested his home for our tutoring session. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have said that. Maybe-"

"Do you remember where I live?" My sentence was cut midway, and I swore I misheard him.

"Sorry?" I lifted both brows.

"Do you remember my address?" Damian said it clearly this time, but it didn't stop my confused state.

"You're letting me come over?" I asked to be one hundred percent sure. There was another pause at Damian's end. And when I thought he wouldn't respond, I heard a 'mhmm' from him.

"Why not?" he verbally agreed. My lips formed a bright smile almost immediately, showcasing my teeth. "We're having English, Chemistry, and Data Processing Theory tomorrow, so bring your text and notebooks in those subjects."

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐌𝐈𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐗 ✅Where stories live. Discover now