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Anyone seeing us at the moment might call us children playing police and thief, but this was a serious matter. We were seated at the back of Muller's car after he'd asked the driver to step out for a few seconds. The gang, aside from Omolara, had other things to do at home. Everyone had their attention on Chisom, who looked guilty no matter what anyone said. Damian's uncle had called her after that article, and we weren't sure for what reason. It also wasn't looking good for his uncle on the internet. Yes, people were supporting him and others sitting on the fence and being mutual about the whole drama, but those throwing hate on him, either for fun or because they suspected him, were much worse.

"Have this," Damian said, handing Chisom a small phone. "Just in case he demands your real phone."

Chisom shakingly took the phone and looked at it. Damian reached for his iPhone and dialled a number. No sound was heard, but the screen of the small phone lit up. Chisom answered the call, unsure.

"Leave it that way, so we can hear everything he says to you in there." Chisom nodded, placing the phone between her breasts and inside her t-shirt. If anyone had any comments, they decided to keep them to themselves.

"What if something bad happens?" Chisom asked, looking at Damian. "What will happen to me, my uncle?"

"We'll be listening. If anything out of the ordinary happens, we'll call the police ASAP." Thompson spoke calmly to her.

Chisom, though not reassured, nodded and decided to risk her life to clear her name. We watched her take a deep breath, ready to step out.

"Keep your real phone in sight," Damian said to her. "Let him have it, but with a little disapproval, so he wouldn't suspect you have another one."

Chisom nodded, bringing out another small phone, which happened to be hers, and holding it in sight. No one said anything this time as she stepped out of the car. with a heavy sigh. Since Muller's car was parked a few blocks from Damian's uncle's gate, Chisom had to walk all the way.

"Do you think she can do it?" I asked Damian, and at the same time, he placed the phone on loudspeaker. All we could hear was skin having contact with fabrics, breathing sounds, and the sound of vehicles zooming past.

"I don't know, to be honest." After Damian had told us about the news that his uncle had demanded Chisom, we knew we had to come up with a quick plan the same day to avoid suspicions from his uncle's end. This was what Damian could think of, though not foolproof enough.

We'd decided to take just one car, and Muller volunteered his since he had the biggest space. Omolara was supposed to come with us, but after we informed her that Chisom would be in the same car as us, she opted out, saying she had things to do at home. I think everyone knew she didn't want to be squeezed to death.

"So that's the Chisom?" Chuks asked, readjusting so he could sit a bit more comfortably.

"When she said she was beautiful, I had my expectations up," Stella rolled her eyes, getting a chuckle from Chuks.

I stared at Stella in disbelief. "She is beautiful."

"Not that beautiful. You're more beautiful than her," Stella said to me. "She's just fair."

"Are you guys doing this now?" Muller was the only one calling it a shotgun, so he had no issue struggling with space. "Set priority straight here."

"Shhh!" Damian said, glaring at me, Chuks, Stella, and Muller. We kept quiet because he'd hear something from the speakers. It happened to be the sound of a gate.

"I think she's in," Damian said, and Thompson nodded. We heard another opening after a few seconds, and it happened to be the gate. Damian pressed the record icon after opening the door, knowing the uncle would be out any minute.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐌𝐈𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐗 ✅Where stories live. Discover now