Shhh it's okay

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Gabriel's Pov

    Liela unwrapped her hands from around my waist and climbed down the bike allowing me to finally think straight, I got off the bike and started unbuckling the helmet from her head, she kept starring at my face, but I did my best to ignore it. She had been crying and although it hurt me, I was still angry, I was angry at myself for getting jealous.

I was angry she chose Harry over me, she looked happy when Harry held the ball but not once did she even smile when I scored. I removed the helmet from her head.
    She was going to start crying again. I walked away from her and towards the door trying to avoid seeing her cry, and she hurried after me. I entered the house and she followed me.

Mom, dad and Abel were already eating at the dinning " Oh Gabriel, Liela, come join us" Mom said happily, but then she noticed Liela's face  " Why is Liela crying?" She asked. I looked at Liela " How would I know" I asked " I'll be in my room" Liela spoke softly and ran upstairs sobbing. I sighed.

" Gabriel what's going on?" Dad asked
" I don't know, I'll be upstairs" I said not allowing them to respond before going up the stairs. I felt stupid for making Liela cry, I got to my room and opened the door but couldn't take it anymore, I closed my door and walked to Liela's room.

I knocked but no reply, I could hear her crying inside, I knocked again, " Liela, open up" I pleaded. The door slowly opened revealing Liela, she had taken off her hoodie, she was now on a cropped singlet, exposing her flat belly and belly button. Her eyes slightly red, tears on her cheeks. I stepped into the room closing the door behind me.

" Gabriel, I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me... I...." She tried to talk as she cried. I pulled her into my arms hugging her and placed her head on my chest " Shhh it's okay" I tried to comfort her, I wasn't good at it as I've never comforted anyone cause I never saw a reason to.
   She slowly wrapped her arms around my torso and cried into my chest, I tapped her back softly

" I just wanted to attend, I've never gone to such an event before, I went there because I wanted to see you play Gabriel, please don't be mad at me..... Please...." She cried and i withdrew from her cupping her face in my hands as I brought my face lower bending my back slightly

" Don't cry Liela, it isn't your fault, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I completely understand and I'm sorry for making you cry" I spoke softly while using my thumb in wiping her tears, I couldn't believe I was apologizing to a girl, I've always been proud, God! She was affecting me in many ways.

   I starred down at her,i tried not to look at her lips but it was difficult, I held her face in my hands, her lips were a sharp pink, I swallowed down. I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to taste her lips more than anything at that moment. Just one kiss wouldn't hurt right? But I knew kissing her would make alot of things go wrong and I might never be able to stop. My eyes running over her face, I had to distract myself from kissing her.

" Liela, I can't concentrate, I can't concentrate on anything when you're around" I confessed breathlessly. Her eyes searched my face, she was confused " God, I can't think straight" I said again and pulled her into a tight hug as I dipped my face into the crook of her neck. I inhaled deeply,she smelt good, really good. She slowly clutched my Jacket, I grabbed her waist trying to get closer to her, every nerve in me was now aware of our closeness.

" Liela..., you smell good" I murmured into her neck and she shivered slightly. I fought the urge to plant kisses all over her neck. I felt her hand slowly sliding up my arm making me unable to think of anything else.
    I wanted to lift her up and make her straddle me, put her on the table and kiss every inch of her body " Fuck" I cursed out loud.

It shocked Liela. My hands itched to move, I wanted to explore her thighs.... I stopped my thoughts, I hated the fact she was so young and innocent, I currently didn't even care that she was my cousin. " Liela, what the hell are you doing to me?" I whispered into her neck. I could feel her heart thump rapidly, she was trying to control her breathing and she was doing a bad job at it.

She breadth out of her mouth in an attempt to even her breathing but the sound she made while doing so fucked with my brain. I was clearly aware that she was also affected by me, it made me happy within.
   I wanted her to moan my name, immediately the thought came in, I grabbed her closer, I couldn't help moving my lips, I placed a deep wet kiss on her neck and she ached her back pressing her body further into mine

" Uh... Gabe..." She tried to speak " Shhhh.." I stopped her " You're fucking toying with my head" I spoke again into her neck. She bent her head sideways, giving me more access to her neck
" Gab.... Gabe.... Gabriel..... You ..." She stuttered unable to get her words together " Stop talking Liela, it's not going to end well" I warned, her voice was like fuel, it increased the fire in me, the sound of it played games with my mind, especially how she called my name.

I wasn't satisfied, I wanted to get rid of the jacket I was wearing and be completely pressed against her, I wanted her bare body against mine. God! Why did God make her my cousin. I was turning into a very bad sinner, not like I wasn't already.

I had to drop another chapter today because in the previous chapter, I saw comments that motivated me to a level that I can't explain.
And thank you to everyone reading and commenting, I love you to an extent you can't fathom.

Okay, this was getting too long so I had to cut it. Continuation's in the next chapter

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