13. Acceptance

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Laying down now next to the human with my son cuddled inside my hoodie I lent to her, while listening to his purring and the human's even breathing, something inside me moved.

Now that I decided to put my hatred toward the human aside, my mind wasn't as clouded with the negativeness I felt when with her. Now, I see a woman being motherly to my son, and my son enjoying her care and her love. I found myself realizing that Brax needed her. He wanted her warmth, her love. He felt safe in her arms, and I knew I couldn't take all that away from him. It would be cruel.

My beast came forward and soon a warm feeling spread all over me, making my heart beat a little faster. I never thought that seeing a woman being motherly to my son would be so... attractive. It was pleasant.

I didn't like to feel this way, I must admit. I didn't enjoy the emotions that the human awakes in me and I will make sure to bury them deep inside of me. The human would never be more than the mother figure to my son. I could only tolerate that at the moment.

I adjust my position on the bed and close my eyes, feeling myself easily drift off with my son snoring in the background.

I adjust my position on the bed and close my eyes, feeling myself easily drift off with my son snoring in the background

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A soft lullaby woke me and I exhaled stretching my limbs. Beside me the bed was empty so I looked around until my eyes caught the human cradling Brax like a human baby rocking stlitly. The back of Brax was firmly held under her arm, Brax's limbs pointing forward, his long tail making a bow, its end barely touching his tummy.

Brax was looking up at her with admiration, his happiness clearly shown in his wide smile. She would play with her finger and he would playfully try to bite into it but she would take her finger out of reach, caressing his muzzle.

She was singing to him, and I knew she was coming up with the lyrics because sometimes it wouldn't even rhythm or make sense. But Brax was enjoying it, pouring and barking lowly, enjoying that moment with his... momma...

My beast came forward and started purring, and before I could stop it, Brax's head snapped toward me and barked happily to see his dad awake and acknowledging the moment between the two.

The human stopped singing when she noticed me awake and swung her arms up propelling Brax to jump and fly toward me. I put my arms up to catch him and smile at how proud he looks when he gets to my outstretched arms.

That's my boy.

"What's your name again?" I decided to finally ask, knowing that I couldn't keep referring to her as the human.

She purses her lips, not amused that after everything, I just decided to ask for her name.

"Lilly" she simply answers with a pointed look.

I nod, knowing it would be best if I remember her name.

I look up at her when I pick up the rapid beating of her heart. Lilly was staring at her right hand, her expression one of fear. She soon rolls her sleeve up in a frantic motion and when she sees the rest of her arm, drowns a gasp.

I stared at her arm, it was a different shade from the rest of her skin. And it was clear that she didn't like what she was seeing.

"Phoenix," she rasps, freaking out "Something is happening to me"

Brax whimpers and jumps off the bed to go to her, but when he puts his front paws on her legs to be held up, Lilly doesn't pay him mind.

I sighed internally and stood up to get close and inspect the strange layer on her skin that spread all over her right arm and ended over her shoulder. I prick at it. It was soft, but hard. It reminded me of when a hatchling shreds their skin when they grow. Brax should go through changing skin any moment now.

"It wasn't like this before. It was only my finger when Brax bit me" she explains, her voice frantic.

I open my mouth to ask about it but then I remember her showing her finger covered in that same layer when I brought her to my realm. I didn't know then what it was, and I still didn't know.

"So, humans don't shred skin?" I ask.

Lilly looks at me as I have grown another head. It seems her fear of what's happening to her surpasses her fear of me.

"No! Only animals do that! Some change their skin and others like the caterpillar create a cocoon and then change to a butterfly..."

She replies, anxiety lacing her words.

"I don't really know what to tell you. Maybe your skin is reacting to this new environment?"

She stays silent, thinking it over.

"I don't know. I don't think so" she says softly, still staring at her hand. Soon she looks down when Brax starts barking to get her attention. When she looks at him, now a bit frustrated, Brax jumps and flaps his wings frantically to gain height so he can reach Lilly's arms.

She notices it and holds him before he falls.

As if annoyed, he bit playfully her nose making Lilly giggle. He then turns to her exposed arm and starts licking. He seems happy about it.

It was as if he...

"Do you think he bit me knowing what would happen to me?" wondered Lilly.

"I don't know. I've never heard of a hatchling imprinting on a human. Your situation is new to me. Just know, that if you are right, Brax would never do something to harm you"

Lilly pursed her lip, clearly disliking not having a real answer, but ended up nodding, accepting my words because she knew as well that Brax would never purposely harm her.

"You are right, I guess," she says and turns to Brax "I trust you"

Brax simply barks happily, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

I suppose that this interaction between us began our truce, without the need of putting it into words. We both wanted the best for Brax, and even though Lilly didn't birth Brax, they have imprinted on each other and it seems like Lilly sensed my acceptance because I wasn't treating her harshly anymore.

I suppose a new beginning just started for the three of us.


Welp, Phoenix finally came to his senses.

How are you liking the story so far?

I really want to do it right.

What do you think about what's going on with Lilly?

I read you!

I read you!

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