51. I'm Out Of This

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Karah moves around the palace ground like a shadow. She knew the land and the blind spots of the magical orbs that worked as a vigilance system. 

She knew exactly where to go thanks to the information she had coerced out of an employee. She almost laughed out loud about how everything was going exactly how she planned. The Queen was restrained in her hideout under vigilance, and now, only needed to get the little demon so she would have complete leverage over the King.

The distinctive screech of Brax perked her up and she smiled wickedly, hungry by the price that so close she was to getting.

She hid behind the tree line. She needed to lure the little demon away from his teacher.

She pulled the shoe she took from Lilly and put it up so the air would pick its scent and blow to him.

She waited, and she waited until she noticed Brax looking around, sniffing the air. He cocked his head confused. He was scenting his mother, but, why couldn't he see her?

Karah shook the bushes and Brax looked there and smiled excitedly, thinking Mom was playing hide and seek.

He ran to where Karah was hiding, and his smile evaporated when he saw the woman who dared to threaten his momma.

Brax didn't get enough time to react to her being there, because in a quick motion, Karah pulled him to her covering his snout with a rag and he stopped thrashing in her arms. Karah is quick to leave the palace grounds.

She could savor the crown already.

When Hanss arrived home, he found his home in a mess

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When Hanss arrived home, he found his home in a mess. There were books open on the floor and papers scattered all around. There was even a coffee table topped over.

When he reached their room, his mate was going from one side to the other, as if in a hurry, putting stuff inside a bag. When she repaired in him, she smiled widely and ran to embrace him.

Hanss didn't react, too shocked about her behavior.

"Uh... What's going on?"

He looked around, the room a mess.

"I finally did it! I'm going to be Queen!" she laughed with glee.

Her words left him with a bad taste.

What does she mean by that?

"What are you talking about?"

He honestly dreaded the answer.

She beamed at him.

"Come with me!" she took him by the wrist dragged him out of their home and ushered him onto the wagon.

She took the reigns and the horses started at a fast pace.

"What's going on?!" he insisted, anxious by her silence and cheery mood.

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