The kid?

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                               Kate's pov:

Gunshots rang through my ear. I stood still for a second not knowing what to do before someone grabbed me by force and hid me with them behind the wall. It was Luca, he looked like he had just ran a marathon but asleep.

I looked at him, and then finally got back on my feet, gaining consciousness. I peeked to see three of Rome's guards standing tall in the hallway above a begging Martha, that was clutching a wounded person.

The memory of that night was resurfacing but I pushed it back and looked around for weapons.

"Where the fuck is Rome?" I whispered gritting my teeth.

"I don't know, I thought you two were together," Luca replied looking at me questioningly.

He was out, in the car waiting for me to get back my phone because I'd forgotten it like always.

"Fuck! do you have a phone on you? Call him or go get us some guns, I'm diverting their attention till then."

"Are you crazy? No. I go there, you get the guns."

"Don't fucking argue with me right now, I don't know how to go upstairs without getting seen. Now you go and I handle them or both of us sit here and bicker all night."

Luca quickly went towards the backdoor after giving me one last unsure look.

I snapped my fingers at the men, "Move back now, if you do not want your coming generations to cringe everytime the way you were killed is mentioned."

One of them looked at me and at his partners with uncertainty, whispering something to their ears.

I started walking towards them, "I don't care if this bitch was included in the deal or not, she looks to good to not f-" one of them started.

I threw the vase kept on the table beside me at him with full force, making the skin from his cheekbones till his necks tear.
He let out a scream after a few seconds, bro's too slow.

Kicking the gun on the other one's hand I shot the third guy in his crotch and the hand he had his gun in.

The first guy charged at me but I shot him in the neck, careful enough to keep him alive, and stabbed his chest with the heel of sandal.

"You come here," I beckoned the the guy that had whispered in their ear. He walked towards me looking terrified, but kicked from under my legs making me fall with with the gun slipping out of my hands.

"Fucking fantastic, who let this ball sac into the mafia instead of acting school." I gritted out.

He chuckled sinisterly, "Now you, bi-" he was shot right between the eyes from behind before he could complete the sentence.

"Careful how you talk to the Queen," Rome said entering with a gun in one hand and the other in his pocket.

I breathed in relief, and looked at Martha that was now staring in shock at her lap.

"Fuck, the kid." I said going over to where she was lying in Martha's lap unconscious.

Rome ran to us, his features morphing into one of complete shock and anger.

I heard footsteps and saw Luca rushing towards us, he examined the girls pulses.

"Call Dr. Seraj. Quick." he shouted.

Rome quickly dialled the doctor's number and asked him to come in while we wrapped the girl's wound so she didn't lose any more blood and sat Martha on the table.

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