Burnt pancakes : J.M

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summary: jj being pussy whipped for his girl

warnings: allusions to sex, inappropriate jj 

you had woken up early from jj's snoring, having to wiggle out of his grasp in order to get away.

you decided to make pancakes for the pogues, grabbing all the ingredients john b had, which was a surprise, and cooking up a batch.

the door behind you creaked, causing you to whip your head around to see sarah and jb, the two groggily saying good morning before sitting at the counter.

"is mom making pancakes?" john b asked, causing you to snicker as sarah hit his arm.

"what he meant to say was thank you," she mumbled, ending the sentence with a yawn as john b tsked.

the three of you made light conversation as they watched you cook, pope joining a few minutes later announcing that kie would be swinging by.

you were all talking about who knows what when jj came stalking out, his eye's immediately falling on your figure.

you were wearing one of his T-shirts that practically drowned your body in fabric, with a pair of his boxers.

smirking to himself at the thought of last nights activities, he made his way over to where you stood.

"oh! morning babe," you chirped when his arm snaked around your waist, the boy leaning over to peck your lips before leaning against the counter to watch.

"speak of the devil," john b mumbled, sending jj a teasing smile as the blonde flipped him off.

"how'd you two lovebirds sleep?" sarah asked, catching you off guard as you flipped three pancakes over.

"uh—good?" you answered but it sounded more of a question. you heard the couple snicker along with pope who sat on the couch, causing you to look at jj.

jj gave you a shrug in response, confused as well.

"do any...cardio?"

cardio? what does that mean-

your face dropped as you realized what she was referring to, your face heating up as you dropped it in embarrassment.

"ohhh," jj sighed, coming back over to you as he hugged you from behind, squeezing your waist momentarily before saying—"you guys heard?"


"what?! im just asking the lady!"

sarah burst out laughing as john b pretended to throw up in disgust, your face turning many shades of red as you hid it in your hands.

"jj is pussy whipped," john b said, a teasing tone laced in his words as you groaned in annoyance.

"hell yeah i am," he responded, abruptly bending you over the counter before taking hold of your waist and pretending to thrust into you.

"jj!" you gasped, hitting him in the chest before pointing your finger at him.

"gross guys!" pope called from where he sat.

"guys?! i didn't do anything!" you tried defending.


"no jj, you lost the privilege to talk," you scolded, watching john b and sarah's eyes widen as you furrowed your brows.

"y/n the pancakes are burning."

before you could respond, the fire alarm went off and you turned around to face a heap ton of smoke.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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