Alternate Stick of Truth Part 9 - For Whom the Sleigh Bell Tolls

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Y'know, there's a certain beauty to ice that most people never really considered. I was once one of these people, focusing more on my fire side than my ice side throughout my time here.

But how could I not? My Netherborn and Satanic powers are mainly fire-based with ice only being a byproduct of the initial transformation to Grim Fate. Well, that and the Demon Child class ability 'Hands of the Hoar', but I can't really manipulate the latter.

It's a wave of icy, undead tendrils that harms and freezes enemies; that isn't like Soul Slash's pyrokinesis or the convenient conduits that are bone hands in Ghastly Grasp.

But as they say, a tool is only as good as the person using it.

That's what my powers are at the end of the day: tools.

And exploiting them to the best of my ability has always been one of my main goals in this reality.

However, even with my knowledge, I only have so much to work with. My analysis skills are nothing without proper data to analyze after all. That's where T.K. comes in.

A pure crystal of ice could be transparent, offering an otherworldly quality to anything viewed through it. Now normally, making a pure crystal of ice is difficult. It required boiling away any imperfections in water before freezing the ice at a rate slow enough to ensure the crystalline structure was free of imperfections.

Luckily for me, I can skip all those steps thanks to my cyrokinesis. Thank you, Netherborn class.

But even beyond that, if you pushed the ice to higher pressures and lower temperatures, the crystal structure would shift, changing exactly how everything looked through the ice.

Turns out that there's nearly two dozen different varieties of ice out there, each with their own properties and behaviors. And that isn't even considering the bullshit that is magic Netherborn and Satanic ice.

At the very least, this 'magic ice' can be made to replicate and even significantly increase the qualities of these different types of ice. I found this out thanks to a combination of brainstorming and testing from both T.K. and I as we travel towards our next destination.

I don't bother hiding my antichrist power as I approach the Woodland Critters' hideout. What better way to convince them to join me than making them believe I'm a child of their lord and savior.

I also use some satanic powers alongside my cryokinetic ones to destroy any gnome, Nutcracker, or Christmas Cop on my path up the giant, snowy mountains that border the town.

Adapting to these new discoveries takes no time at all and adapting through combat is my specialty, so T.K. and I are able to make rapid progress with our work. Having both hydrokinesis and enough of a handle on telekinesis to do temperature control only makes things easier.

It isn't long before I gain complete control over the exact crystal structure of my ice. I can even keep my crystal structures the same for as long as I like so there's no risk of them melting or anything unless outside sources cause that.

Different types of ice have different properties and knowing how to make them would definitely be a trump card in certain situations. I made sure to test these out with T.K. as I went across some bridges, traps, giant trees with scary faces carved onto them like pumpkins, and even a few puzzle sections.

From now on, the majority of ice that I utilize when fighting will be my own version of Ice XII. This version of ice is apparently the densest of the bunch as well as far more resistant to cracking and shearing then standard ice.

This ice also has a bit of a blue cast to it and the Netherborn power imbued into it only serves to further bring out that property as well as heavily strengthening its other properties depending on how much energy I put into it.

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