Sibling Wars Part 7 - Family Dynamic

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"Big bro? What are you doing here?" Karen asks Dovah as he steps onto the clouds of Heaven.

"Lending a hand, of course. You don't need to do everything yourself to prove yourself, you two."

"So, you're cool with us trying to take on Satan here? Tricia clarifies.

"I did say that you two could do what you wanted here, right?" Dovah points out.

"Just checking, bro. That's the guy who forcefully adopted us by the way." Tricia then deadpans at Red while pointing to Dovah.

"I don't recall hearing any objections to it back then, Tricia." Dovah deadpans back before turning his attention towards the approaching army.

Most don't see the new arrivals as a threat, but for those with better honed instincts like Satan, the Canadian Devil, ManBearPig, Haman, and so on, they can clearly see who this uneasy feeling they're getting is originating from.

Thus, they take no chances and go all out from the start.

"DESTROY THEM!!!" Satan roars and billions upon billions of demons march forward.

"Seems like someone's impatient." Dovah mutters before turning towards the other three and asking, "You guys ready?"

"Of course!"

"Like you even have to ask."

"It's not like I have any other plans at the moment. Let's take as many of these demonic fuckers down with us as possible."

The four then power up and charge towards the army together with them all having big smiles on their faces.

Dovah's POV:

Fighting alongside both my sisters and a Red McArthur that actually wasn't an evil asshole for once was both incredibly fun and more satisfying then I could've ever imagined.

'How long has it been since I've done something like this?'

(("The last time you fought alongside any version of those three specifically was when you were playing Aliens vs Robots in your original timeline, but even that's iffy since Red was clearly the villain in that game."))

(A/N: Chp 35 "A Day in the Second Life of Dovah")

'Oh yeah. Kenny was angry at me for months after I got Karen to join my side in that game. Good times.'

(("You can make more good times if you put some effort in; look at what you're doing now. If we're gonna be dying soon, then we should at least try and make our final memories good ones, right?"))

'I know, T.K. I know.'

If the True Gods became serious about killing us, then trying to run or hide wouldn't accomplish jack shit. Making preparations for that would be useless; it's one of the many reasons why my sisters are my main focus right now.

My sisters who I continue to be incredibly proud of.

(("They are doing quite well for themselves and are learning everything we hoped they would. Your sisters are also discovering and honing their particular specialties when it comes to their smarts and natural talent.

They will no doubt become masterminds in the future with each having their own specialties trained to true 'mastermind' level and at least be on the level of a professional with every other subject we teach them. Want my opinion on what those specialties will be?"))

'Sure, we've got time. Even without slowing down or stopping time entirely, to us, even beings like Satan are as slow as a disabled turtle.'

(("Very well. But a quick note before we begin, there isn't exactly a universal definition of what exactly a 'mastermind' or super smart character is, or rather, the qualifications to become one.

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