The truth.

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River POV 

I didn't really sleep at all last night. How am I supposed to? I'm still laying beside Lexi. She's fast asleep. I hear my door open. "Why in the living hell is my sister in your bed?" Wyatt asks me. I look at him and sigh.  If I tell him would she punch me? Probably. "I received a call from her last night. At like 5am she sounded panicked I asked her what was wrong and she asked me to driver to her house, so I did. She was sitting on her front porch with her knees up to her chest. She said Paul found her. And somehow snuck into her room. Where the hell were her parents? I'm... I... she's been here all night and I'm scared to leave her alone." I finish "Yeah I figured nothing was good with Paul. He was always jealous of me or something. Hated her parents. Who speaking of which are in Seattle visiting her older brother Owen and his fiancé and their kid Leo. What are we gonna do?" Wyatt says. "I don't what she wants to happen but what I can tell you I'm going to find that mother fucker and beat him senseless."  "When did you come over here Ry" I say. "Awhile ago." He says interring my room pushing passed Wyatt. "I don't know if she'd be okay with that" Wyatt says.

"Go for it, I'll be your guys alibi. I'll get Isa, Ash and Eve in on it too" Lexi says from the corner, "What am I doing" Isa appears from the side with two other people bye her side. "Yeah I heard my name too" one of the girls with black hair with a little bit of white her hair. "Ugh long story short Paul broke into my house and raped me. Jesus that's...." "Again?" black and white hair girl said. "AGAIN?" Me, Wyatt Ryan and Izzie all screamed at the same time. "Evelyn"  Lexi says then gives us all a look. "Okay I'll explain, when we were sharing a dorm in college, I came home to them having sex except she was saying no, no no get off me. I had my brother  Nick with me. and he heard walked into Lex's room because well duh and then Paul ended up in hospital. So yes Alexis that needed to be said. Now you can go to the police. Fresh evidence."  Evelyn says.

We all look at Lexi, "Alexis Ann Anderson, why in the hell do I not know this." Wyatt says to her. "Because I knew you'd over react." "What do you mean by that?" "She means it's happens more than twice. " Evelyn says. "Lex?" I say while turning my head to her.  "Can we not. It's not important can we leave it in the past?" She says while getting up off my bed and walking out to the bathroom. 

"Listen best case scenario Lex wants to do something, but I know you guys know she won't. Wanna do something for her be there that's all we can do. Y'all wanna murder him, go ahead us girls will be your alibi."  Evelyn says then walks off after Lexi, Izzie and I guess Ashley follows. 


Before any of us can go check we hear "OH MY GOD HI" from Lexi. "MISS FLEXI" We turn the corner and see Seth, Chase, Josh, Sam and Colby. "Hi two people I have yet to meet." Lex says. "Oh yeah, This is Sam and Colby." Seth says pointing to Sam then to Colby.. "Soo what've missed?" Chase said.  "A lot" Izzie says, Seth  "Oh yeah red head over there is Izzie, Black and Blonde headed girl is Eve. other female is Ash." Lexi says letting them into the house finally Closing the door behind them . "Hi" the five males say. "Hi" all three girls retort. "What's Izzie mean by a lot?" Josh asks while we walked to the living room. I look over to Lexi, she has an unreadable look on her face. She looks up.

"Um, I was....I saw....I... " "Her ex boyfriend found her and raped her. God I really need to learn when to not talk." Eve mutters the last bit to herself but we all hear her. "No thanks Eve..." Lexi says. "Oh I'm sorry." They all say to her. "Eh it's fine" Sam gives her a "Is This Chick High" look, he looks over to where me Ryan and Wyatt was standing "Murder?" Sam asks. "Yup already have it planned." Ryan says. "Gotcha lemme know when I'll help." He says. "Same" Colby, Seth, Chase and Josh say. It falls silent. 

     "Dude I was editing the video and you'll never guess what we caught. Wanna see?" I asked all of them. 'Yeah' all the guys said. "We're gonna stay in here."  Ash says. 

Lexi POV

We sit in the living room, scrolling on our phones. "HOLY JESUS" We hear Chase basically scream. "Omg I almost forgot to tell y'all, Riv and Lex almost kissed." Isa pops out of nowhere. "Ohhh tell me more" a voice from behind us says. "I agree with Seth I wanna know more too" Eve says "Same" Ash says, all staring at me. "There's literally nothing to tell, maybe there would've been if the doofus's didn't interrupt." I say staring at Isa. "Well if it does happen I want the deets." "Seth your a literal 17 year old girl. I love it" Ash says.

 "ALRIGHT BITCHES AND WHORES LET'S GET GOING WE GOTTA MOVE THE BORDENS INTO THEIR HOUSE" Colby yells.  "YEAH LETS GO" Ryan screams back. "Am I a bitch or a whore?" Wyatt ask. "Both" I say he just nods "I'll work with that.  "I have an idea" River says while we are walking out of the door. "No River we are not getting taco bell." Ryan looks at River. '"Ugh your no fun" River says while smiling at me, "Hi Lexi" He whispers in my ear "Hi River" I say smiling like an idiot, I feel something by my hand, I look down and see River's hand right beside mine. I grab his hand and hold it. Yeah, I'm definitely redder than a tomato. We all get into a car and start driving there. 

When we arrive I notice where we are. I look over to Wyatt and he looks at me, that's when I hear my and Wyatt's name being called. 

A/N Btw I have many books that I'm working on, I hope y'all will read and enjoy them. Thank you. ❤💖

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