Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Meeting Bella Swan

Alistair compelled the teacher to drop the charges and compelled the principal to set her free, He was the only one who was allowed to punish her.

The main threat was the students who had a video of the incident, Alistair had to find them and delete the videos, a few of the videos were deleted by threat, others by actions, most by compulsion.

The Cullens helped him with erasing the evidence and stopped it from becoming a big deal before it reached social media.

In the end, it took Alistair from lunch till the end of school to successfully remove Emma from the spotlight.

"I'm sorry"

Earlier this morning she felt like a vixen, She could be angry and all Alistair could do was watch in silence or give her what she wanted, But now -

"That's enough, you have to understand it's the little things like this that will put you in harm's way."

Alistair lectured Emma who felt more guilty with each word, internally he felt it was his fault for going too soft on her which was why she could lash out at him.

The Cullens could just watch on the sidelines, None of them could argue that Emma didn't deserve this, Even if they did, Who wanted to go against Alistair?

The Cullens were Apex predators... Yes, But their predatorial instincts strictly warned them to avoid Alistair.

'Why is his eyes changing colours either way?'

Sometimes his Iris was golden instead of silver, Sometimes his sclera was black instead of white, and Sometimes his eyes turned red but no one knew why, They just tipped it off to his anger.

"You don't get like this when you're angry right?"

Jasmine turned to her mate, Jasper who looked sympathetic

"Not while we're dressed."

Jasper joked lightening the mood.

After a while of standing passively, Alice pulled Alistair back, Emma looked as if she was going to have a panic attack.

"Alistair we all know you are this worried because you care but look at Emma, the only reason she lashed out was because you weren't there and she reacted based on your absence"

Alistair faced Alice with cold red eyes, But they softened after she finished speaking.

If were to face anyone else with those eyes they'd crumble, But Alice strongly believed Alistair wouldn't harm her.

'That's right I can't keep that Lone wolf mentality when I am responsible for my own family'

"*Sighs* Emma, You're my responsibility... It's my duty as an Alpha or Coven head to protect you, I don't want you to get drunk on this new power you've awoken-"

Alistair was cut off by Emma who hugged him hiding her face in his chest.

"It's just without you... I get this impulse to be defiant, To cause mayhem... it's like nature to me"

It wasn't an impulse Emma wasn't used to so she couldn't describe how she felt, It was animosity directed at everything, Like she wanted to watch the world burn.

Alice suddenly felt bad, Wasn't she the one taking Alistair from Emma?

While Alistair spoke he realized it was her traits forming, Werewolves had it too, Their personality traits always revolved around protecting the next generation or their fellow werewolves, Which was why they had Werewolf packs.

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