x. of articles and late night kisses

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—chapter x: of articles and late night kisses

THE CAVE WAS DIMLY lit and loraine had sat down next to neil, pitts leaving her his seat without protest, but confusion evident on his face.

"to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life" the group recited at the same time "to put to rout all that was not life—" they were interrupted by giggling coming from the cave's entrance.

"oh my god" cameron whispered

"is this it?" a female voice asked

"yeah, this is it" loraine had wondered why charlie wasn't joining them, almost missed him and now she wished he was anywhere but here. "go ahead, go on in. it's my cave. watch your step"

loraine observed with a bitter feeling, how two girls climbed into the cave. "we're not gonna slip, are we?" one of them asked

"hi" the other exclaimed. neil stood up to stand in front of loraine protectively.

"hi guys" charlie greeted "meet, uh, gloria and..."

"tina" the girl said

"tina" charlie repeated proudly "this is the pledge class of the dead poets society. move, guys" charlie instructed. "come one, folks, it's friday night. let's get on with the meeting"

the group walked around the cave, rearranging so the other could fit. loraine ended up in the middle of todd and neil.

"guys, i have an announcement to make" charlie said as soon as everyone was seated "in keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the dead poets, i'm giving up the name charles dalton. from now on, call me nuwanda"

the boys snickered surprised at his statement, while loraine snorted loudly and crossed her arms.

charlie took a red lipstick out of tina's hand and drew weird looking shapes on his cheeks.

"he's definitely had something to drink" loraine whispered in neil's direction.

"are we gonna have a meeting, or what?" charlie sat back down

"yeah, if you guys don't have a meeting, how do we know if we wanna join?"

"join?" neil repeated as if he hadn't heard her right the first time, then he just shook his head, sending an aggravated glance in loraine's direction, who seemed as happy as he was.

charlie got up from his seat to stand in front of tina. "shall i compare thee to a summers day? thou art more lovely and more temperate"

todd noticed the look on loraine's face and quickly took her hand. charlie, without drawing much attention, noticed that action.

"that's so sweet" tina smiled

"i made that up just for you"

"you did?"

"no" tina turned her head to look in loraine's direction "shakespeare did, sweetheart" she smiled sarcastically.

charlie ignored her remark. "i'll write one for you too, gloria" he sat down next to the girl in red and pretended to think "she walks in beauty like the night— she walks in beauty like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies.. all that's best of dark and bright. meet in her aspect and her eyes"

"that's beautiful" gloria said impressed. loraine rolled her eyes, todd squeezed her hand

"there's plenty more where that came from" charlie smirked

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