Chapter 28: Yoongi

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Word count: 2710

POV: Yoongi 

WHEN HOBI AND Jungkook returned, they both had gigantic smiles on their faces. Yoongi eyed them suspiciously, hoping that their walk had gone well but also doubting that. He had spent many hours with Madeline and had seen she didn't want anything to do with them. He doubted she'd warm up to them so quickly.

"What happened?" Jimin pounced, wanting to know already.

Yoongi straightened his posture in his seat, eager to hear.

"It went well," Jungkook smiled, practically glowing. Yoongi caught sight of his wrist—his soul tattoos—and gasped.

"You bonded with her," He stated, causing everyone to whip their heads to his wrist.

Jungkook sheepishly bowed his head, "Yeah, it was accidental. She freaked out at first but then opened up. It was the first time we managed to find a common ground."

The rest of them listened intensely. Yoongi couldn't believe his ears. Were they even talking about the same person?

"She's open to taking it slowly. She said she's afraid of being hurt by us in the future. I think there's more to it—I have a feeling it has something to do with her mother." Hobi added, accepting a glass of water from Jin gratefully.

"So, there's hope for us?" Yoongi summarized, relieved.

"Yep. She said she's willing to meet two more of us in four days." Jungkook announced. Immediately, the two maknaes jumped at the opportunity, begging to be chosen. Namjoon stepped in once he saw the commotion it was making and suggested they do another round of rock, paper, scissors excluding Jungkook and Hobi.

It was a tense game. To everyone's surprise—and some chagrin—Yoongi won. He smirked triumphantly at them, maintaining his cool on the outside.

The other person who won was Taehyung. He didn't hide his cool as well. Taehyung kept talking about what he would do for the next hour, already forming plans in his head. They had four days to prepare themselves to meet her.

Yoongi secretly hoped he would accidentally bond with her as Jungkook did. It was only Jin and himself left. He knew Jin didn't want to bond with her until she was ready. Yoongi respected it but was eager to finally be tied to her. He wanted to understand everything she said.

He excused himself from the lounge and headed to his new room. It took some time for him to get used to it. He had brought his laptop, microphone, and keyboard with him so that he could work on some music. Over the past few months, he has started to lose focus on his work. Creating new content didn't come as easily. Yoongi feared he was losing his passion.

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