Tune of the Heavy Heart

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Beneath the weight of life's relentless art,
A heavy heart, burdened, seeks a fresh start.
In the hush of night, where shadows play,
A mature soul yearns to empty the disarray.

Whispers of sorrow, like a somber song,
Echo in chambers where emotions throng.
Yet, in the emptiness, a space to breathe,
A canvas to paint, where emotions seethe.

Release the tears, like gentle rain,
Wash away the ache, the lingering pain.
In vulnerability, find strength untold,
An emptying of burdens, a story unfold.

The moon, a witness to the heart's ballet,
As heavy burdens gently drift away.
A mature heart unburdens the soul,
In the quietude of release, it finds its goal.

Through words unspoken, in the silent art,
An emptied heart finds a fresh start.
In the void, a tranquil, sacred space,
A mature soul finds solace, an embrace.

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