Transparent Realm

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In the realm of love, where hearts entwine,
Transparency is the thread that binds.
For love to flourish, it must be clear,
With honesty and truth, void of fear.

For what is love if not built on trust,
Where secrets linger, turning to rust?
Transparency is the cornerstone,
In love's foundation, it's always shown.

For love to thrive, it must be pure,
With openness and honesty, to endure.
No hidden agendas, no veils to wear,
Transparency in love, beyond compare.

For love to blossom, it needs the light,
Where shadows fade, revealing insight.
No masks to hide, no walls to build,
Transparency in love, truth fulfilled.

For love to be fair, it must be seen,
In all its glory, in moments serene.
No lies to taint, no deceit to bear,
Transparency in love, genuine and rare.

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