Day 8: War is over

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Erik had had enough. He couldn't bare fighting with Charles any longer. They wanted the same thing so why couldn't they try and work together. Why had they even been fighting in the first place? Deep down he knew why. He was too much of a stubborn bastard to even think of compromising how the best way to fight for mutant rights was. Even if he would have been compromising with the man he loved most in the world. He thought that was what he wanted most in the world - to fight for mutant rights. And it was. However when it came at the price of fighting with the man he loved he wasn't sure how much longer he could go without breaking.

On Christmas day he decided that it should be a day of peace so, he walked helmetless up to the school, a box in hand and knocked on the door. It was opened by Logan who glared at him "what?"

Erik glared back "I need to speak to Charles, please."

If Erik was being perfectly honest, he thought Logan would slam the door in his face however his slightly shocked expression from the fact that Erik has said please seemed to have mellowed him. He stepped aside and stated "I'll take you to him."

Erik nodded once in thanks and followed him through the corridors that had changed so much yet was so familiar to him. It was one of the first places he called home after all.

He knew it was him straight away. Whenever there was a room of people, Charles was the first person his eyes search D for. To be fair it was rather easy for him to find the only bald person but still, it goes to show that you always look for what your heart wants.

"Professor, someone is here to see you." Logan announced.

Charles glanced up and, in spotting Erik, failed to hide his glee.

"Erik." He breathed.

"Hello Charles." Erik responded softly.

Logan stared between the two of them and snorted "Prof, go talk to your husband, I'll watch the kids."

Erik turned and raised his eyebrow at Logan who grinned at him in response "it's obvious, I've never met enemies who have a picture of them kissing each other "

"Thank you Logan, Erik, I trust you remember the way to my office?"

"I do."

Charles rolled out of the room and Erik followed close behind him. When they entered Charles' office he fell to his knees in front of his husband.

"It stops here," he announced, his voice thick with emotion, "all this fighting between you and me, it ends with us."

"What?" Charles whispered, not quite believing what he was hearing.

"We've been fighting for too long Charles. Why? We want the same thing. Only I was too stubborn to realise that for us to work together I'd need to compromise with you. Frankly, I'm tired. I want to be able to spend my life with you. I want to do things together not separately. Will you let me come home?" Erik stated, his voice choking his words at the end.

Wheeling himself ever so slightly closer to his husband, Charles smiled down at him, a tear rolling down his cheek, "Did you really think I'd turn you away Erik?"

Slowly, Erik lifted his head up so that he could stare into Charles' eyes and shot him a small, watery smile, "you still want me?"

"Darling, I have always wanted you, I love you, I always have and I always will. I put that ring on your finger for a reason after all. I am overjoyed that you want to stay, I finally get to wake up next to my husband. If you think that I'm going to deny myself of that pleasure you are very wrong." Charles chuckled.

Erik wrapped his arms around Charles' middle, just above where the sensation faded and rested his head on his chest so he could sob.

"It's alright Erik, I'm here." Charles murmured, rubbing his back soothingly.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Erik groaned. Charles offered his hand out without a word and pulled Erik up before helping him over to the sofa to rest his aching knees.

"When did we become old Charles?" Erik asked, chuckling through his slight winces of pain.

"Who are you calling old?" Charles asked indignantly.

"You obviously."

"You're older, idiot."

"Only by two years." Erik retorted, rolling his eyes fondly.

"You've gone grey."

"You really want to talk about hair?" Erik laughed amusedly, kissing his husband's bald head.

"That was your fault."

"Definitely not, I didn't want you to lose your beautiful hair."

"I didn't want to lose my beautiful hair either."

"Hey, at least you didn't look like an egg in our wedding photo," he snorted loudly then finished with a smirk "Professor Eggsavier."

Charles glared at him, "I suppose we are old...I don't quite know when it happened."

"Probably when you lost your hair." Erik jabbed.

"Why did I marry you?"

"You love me really."


Despite his mock annoyance, Charles lent over and pressed a gentle kiss to Erik's lips, wrapping his arms around him and bringing him close, refusing to let him go. In the background the faint sound of the radio could be heard, calming the atmosphere and reminding them all about the ultimatum of love, peace and friendship. 

And so this is Christmas (war is over)
For weak and for strong (if you want it)
For rich and the poor ones (war is over)
The road is so long (now)
And so happy Christmas (war is over)
For black and for white (if you want it)
For yellow and red ones (war is over)
Let's stop all the fight (now)

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