Chapter 9

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A special thanks to: Evening_7_love

Happy Reading!


Author's POV:

Ethan and Lily ran to the living room and saw Magnus staring at something with a scared expression. They followed his gaze and saw a small figure in a stich costume sitting on the couch. Relief washed over them. They walked towards Magnus slowly and Ethan tapped his shoulder.

"What happened?" Ethan asked in a low voice "Why are you standing here? With a scared expression?"

"The Devil has awakened," Magnus whispered in a low voice.

Before Ethan could ask what he meant a voice called.

"It's not good to stare at anyone without their permission Magi," Zoya said without turning around.

Magnus gulped and walked towards her, Ethan and Lily followed suit. As they got closer they saw that Zoya was doing something on a laptop. All of them sat on the couch without a single word spoken. Ethan and Lily looked at each other not knowing what Zoya was doing on the laptop. Magnus on the other hand was sweating badly.

"Magi relax," Zoya said not moving her gaze from the screen "I promise you, you won't go bankrupt because of me at least not yet. Papa and pretty lady you will get the answer to your questions in a moment. Do you have a big screen in the house? I want to watch something."

Magnus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 

"Angel its late," Ethan said gently "Why don't you watch whatever you want in the morning?"

"Papa its urgent," she said with a pout.

"Fine come on," he said with a sigh.

"Magi you take my laptop," she said looking at him with smile "and don't you dare press a key. I want the pretty lady to carry me."

Magnus gulped and took the laptop from her as it were an explosive. 

"Sweet pie what if you get hurt?" Lily asked gently.

"I trust you pretty lady," Zoya said with a smile and made grabby hands.

Lily couldn't say no to her so she gently picked Zoya in her arms. Zoya immediately snuggled in her chest and Lily's heart warmed. She started rubbing circles on her back with a smile. She walked behind Ethan with Magnus following them like a lost puppy.

"Angel we are here," Ethan said opening a door to the theatre room.

Zoya looked around the room with a bright smile and Ethan chuckled at her smile. Lily walked in and sat on the main couch with Zoya on her lap. Ethan held the remote in front of her but she shook her head.

"Turn on the news Papa," Zoya said with a smile "Magi give the laptop here."

Ethan was confused but turned on the news.


Breaking News: Corporate Scandal Unfolds - Alexander Industries Bankrupt, Owner Dead

Anchor-woman: "Good evening. I'm Jasmine, and we bring you a developing story that has sent shockwaves through the business world. Alexander Industries, once a titan in the corporate realm, has filed for bankruptcy today after a lone hacker infiltrated the company's systems, exposing a trail of illegal transactions. Our correspondent Isaac has the details."

[Cut to Reporter Isaac at the scene]

Isaac: "Thank you, Jasmine. The corporate landscape has been rocked today by the downfall of Alexander Industries. A single hacker, yet to be identified, breached the company's systems, laying bare a network of shady dealings that had been concealed within the organization."

[Cut to images of employees leaving the company, distressed]

Isaac: "The fallout from the exposed transactions has been swift and severe. As employees faced sudden unemployment, tensions escalated, leading to a tragic turn of events. Alexander Russo, the founder and owner of the company, has been found dead, allegedly at the hands of his own employees."

[Cut to police and emergency vehicles outside Alexander Industries]

Isaac: "Sources say that the confrontation between Russo and his employees turned violent, with signs of a struggle evident at the scene. Authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding this shocking incident and are yet to determine the exact motivations behind the confrontation."

[Cut to a legal expert discussing potential consequences]

Legal Expert: "The legal ramifications of this scandal could be extensive. We are likely to see investigations into not only the cyberattack but also into the corporate practices that led to such a collapse. Questions will be raised about the responsibility of other high-ranking individuals within the company."

[Cut back to the newsroom]

Jasmine: "A tragic turn of events indeed. Our hearts go out to the employees affected by this scandal. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available."

Jasmine: "Thank you, Isaac. A truly shocking and unfortunate series of events. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available."


Zoya smiled proudly and looked at everyone's face. Magnus smiled back at her but Ethan and Lily were were still confused.

"Oh Papa," Zoya said leaning in Lily's body "I hacked their system. Now one will even doubt who was the who killed them. You are safe now."

Ethan was shocked.

"You know programming?" Ethan asked in awe.

"Yes Papa," Zoya said with a smile "Are you proud of me?"

 "I am proud of Angel," he said with a bright smile.

"Pretty lady what about you?" Zoya asked turning on Lily's lap so that she was facing her.

"I am proud of you sweet pie," Lily said with a smile "And you don't need to call me pretty lady. My name is Lily and you can call me mom if you want to."

"Mumma?" Zoya asked tilting her head the smiled brightly "I can call you Mumma?"

"Yes sweet pie," Lily said brightly.

"Magi I have a Mumma!" Zoya shrieked happily and hugged Lily tightly.

 "My sweet pie," Lily said rubbing circles on Zoya's back.

Ethan and Magnus looked at the mother-daughter duo affectionately and smiled. Magnus was happy that Zoya found a Mumma for her. He was a little worried at first but looking at Lily's and Zoya's bond he was relived. His phone rang bring all of them back to earth. Magnus looked at caller ID and frowned. He picked the call and a voice blasted through speaker.

"MAGNUS WHERE ARE YOU?" the person from the other side asked "leave it I don't give a shit about you. I called you to tell you that ZOYA'S MISSING!"


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