Chapter 19

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Hi lovely people!

I have a small request. Can you guys give me an honest review of the book so far? Not just how good the update was but the parts which need improvement. Can u give me the negative parts of it as well? If you don't feel comfortable in commenting them publicly then u can message me personally. I promise I will keep those to myself. Please? 🙏🙏🙃          (❁'◡'❁)🥺🥺

And a special Thanks to: @Aalya24

Happy reading!


Author's POV:

Dante peeped inside the room, where Ana was staying, and his heart hurt. Her left leg was bandaged but some blood was still visible on it. She was sitting there lost in her thoughts and didn't notice Dante yet.

"Baby?" Dante called softly, walking towards her with a tray in his hands.

She looked at him a gave him a small smile.

"What happened baby?" he asked setting the tray on the nightstand and sat by her feet. He maintained some distance not wanting to hurt her more.

"Nothing Hubby," she said softly but her eyes were saying something else.

"Baby don't lie," he said, gently putting his hand on her uninjured leg "Tell me baby. What is bothering you?"

"Am I a bad person?" she asked innocently as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"You are not a bad person my love," Dante said as his heart shattered looking at her tears.

He slowly got up and went to her side. He sat beside her and gently pulled her in his lap.

"Why would you say that baby?" he asked as she hid herself in his embrace, trying to control her sobs.

"Then why is god being so hard on me?" she asked, her voice cracking "You know I am barely holding on at this moment. I thought everything was good and nothing could go wrong but see. They almost had our babies. What would I've done if something happened to them? I- I can't afford to loose anyone anymore, Dante. I can't. I am trying to be strong but I can't. I just can't."

"Baby everyone is fine," he said as his heart hurt hearing her, "nothing will happen to our babies, Ana. I will protect them with my life."

She shook her head furiously as tears continued to fall.

"I can't loose you Dante," she said finally letting the cries out. She cried in his embrace, trying to find the answers to the questions in her mind.

"Baby nothing will happen to me," he said, pecking her head and rocking her gently. He rubbed her back trying to calm her down but nothing worked. He took his hand away from her back and started caressing her head. 

"I am sorry for ruining your shirt," she mumbled pulling her face away from him.

"Baby I have said it before and I will say it again," he said, gently pushing her head back in his chest "I don't mind you ruining all of my shirts. I can buy new ones. So don't feel bad about it. Si?"

"Papi?" she asked softly.

"Yes my baby?" he answered knowing she was vulnerable at the moment. She only called him that when she was too insecure. Or in bed as a safe word 😏.

(A/N: ur author is a little horny rn. So don't mind me.)

"You won't leave me right?" she asked softly as fresh tears ran down her face.

"Never baby," he said softly. He kissed her head again, knowing how fragile that promise was. In the mafia world they were always prepared to loose each other, but Ana was not brought up like that. Her life had been more of a torture than life. 

"I love you papi," she mumbled sleepily.

"I love you too my baby," he said gently "Now let me feed that little tummy of yours. Then you can sleep."

"But I am not hungry," she said with a sad pout.

"I know baby but you need to eat before taking the medicines," he said wiping her face with his palms.

"I don't want medicine," she said softly.

"But you need them baby," he said softly. He picked the tray from the night stand and kept it in her lap. 

"Papi," she whined, trying defy him.

"Baby eat a little then we can cuddle si?" he said as he held a bite in front of her mouth.

She looked at him once and took the bite. She liked the taste but was too tired to even complement. The injection, Enzo had given for the pain was making her sleepy. After a couple of bites she shook her head and Dante kept the plate aside. He knew she was like this when she was hurt. He took the tablets from the table and handed them to her, while she shook her head again.

"Baby just have the medicine, then papi will cuddle with you si?" he said softly, forwarding a glass of water to her.

She took the medicine and swallowed as fast as she could. He placed the glass at her lips and she took a sip.

"My good baby," he said pecking the side of her head. "Now sleep baby."

She just nodded a little and laid on top of him. She was fiddling the hem of his shirt and he understood. He pushed her away from him a little.

"Baby just a minute," Dante said and removed his shirt in one swift motion. He threw it aside and pulled her back. 

"Thank you," Ana said, as her face turned red. She made herself comfortable on his naked chest and fell asleep. 

He started massaging her head lightly and in no time he fell asleep as well.


On the other hand:

"Eth, Jaxon go sleep," Lily said for the nth time "Sweet pie will get upset if she found that you didn't listen to her."

"Fine," Ethan said a sigh and got up "I am going to sleep! Happy now?"

"Very," Lily said with a smile. She gave him a quick kiss before, he walked upstairs to his room.

"Now Jaxon," she said sternly.

"I am not sleepy," Jaxon complained like a small child.

"Come with me," she said with a sigh. When he didn't move she took his hand and pulled him towards a guest room.

She pushed him on the bed and sat beside him. She pulled his head on her lap and started caressing his head.

"Sleep my child," she said softly.

Jaxon's brain froze. What just happened? No, what is happening? His brain was trying to process but it was already too tired. The warmth, and affection was making him relax. His consciousness was telling him not to let his guard down, but his heart said something else.

He snuggled in, on her lap, making her smile affectionately. She ran her fingers through his hair.

"Sleep well my child," she said softly as he went in a deep slumber.


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