Raccoon One

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Lowering his phone from his ear, Baron adjusted his aching back against the cold brick wall as he heard the man on the other end of the line rambling on, but he wasn't processing what was being said any longer. It was the tenth lawyer he'd contacted, and every single one of them only pretended to consider his side of the story before quickly changing the subject to their price for representation.

The ones he'd called had been the cheapest in the city, but even the lowest ones were evidently too expensive for him now. His wife had cleaned out their joint bank account and somehow managed to get his father to put her name as the main collector on his will... right before he died of cancer.

Needless to say, he ended up with very little to his name after that whole chain of events and, unfortunately, there was more. Because, what were a few stumbles if one never really finished falling?

Thus, when the man on the other end of the phone finally realized he wasn't listening anymore and hung up, a new chime began to emanate from the device.

It was his work calling.

Well, one of his three jobs.

He'd worked nearly every day for the past two and a half years. Ever since his daughter was born. He had been head over heels in love with his wife, too, and had worked especially hard so that she could have anything she wanted while staying home with their little girl.

Everything changed, however, when he first mentioned considering a daycare for their daughter. His wife had immediately shut him down, saying that she was the only one that could care for her. It had been a bit of a surprise that she wasn't at least interested in looking at some of the local ones, but he'd shrugged it off and decided to give her more time.

Six months later, and absolutely bone tired, he'd asked again.

That was when things began to get nasty.

His wife not only shut him down again, but told him that he didn't give a damn about her or their daughter. He'd tried to stand up for himself at that point, telling her that he needed help with the bills and couldn't physically work three jobs anymore, but then things became physical.

The first time she hit him in front of their daughter was the last time he'd dared to argue. Unfortunately, things still got worse. He eventually began to get sick from working so much and eating so little from stress. Each day he missed work she'd berate him, and if he dared call out a second day in a row, even if he needed it, she'd call him weak and worthless.

Blinking slowly as raindrops began to fall from the darkening sky above him, Baron tilted his head against the dirty bricks and stared down at his ringing phone.

I don't want to answer it.

He didn't want to do anything besides talk to his daughter, but he couldn't even do that.

Maybe I am worthless now.

Even though his mind was a mess, instinct still had him reaching for his phone and lifting it up to his ear before it could go silent.

"Hello, sir," he said quietly, afraid that if he spoke too loud, something else might go wrong.

"I'm sorry to have to say this, but your performance recently has made us have to reconsider your employment..."

My... what?

He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I... I just closed that massive deal. The most money you guys have made in five years..." he said, his voice shaking as he tried to blink back tears, completely confused.

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