Raccoon Twenty-Four

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His heart was beating like crazy as he finally finished up his interview and turned off his stream and voice chat. The MC had suddenly gotten much more talkative after the match... and after King had secretly reported him for not doing his damn job. 

They often rotated MCs, and most of them were fine, but this guy definitely seemed fishy. 


Tossing his headset aside, King quickly got up, stretched, then headed for the kitchen. His mind was buzzing with the possibility that Baron might have actually taken him seriously and started cooking naked, but if he had done that, he would feel bad since it was never a good idea to cook without clothing on in case something splashed. 

Now worried, he hurried along, only to stop abruptly at the entrance to the hallway as he saw Baron in his tiny kitchen area... without a shirt one. 

"Don't worry, babe, just frying some eggs," Baron said as he stepped out from behind the partial wall, allowing King to see that he had at least put on a pair of shorts before starting to cook. 

 King tilted his head as he silently sniffed the air, then walked over with a pointed look on his face before stopping inside the kitchen. 

Baron was blushing now, having been caught red handed having cooked a bunch of bacon and ham, too. 

"I swear I'm fine," he said as he moved the pan off the burner, then reached over and picked up a crispy piece of bacon before walking over to slip it between King's slightly parted lips. 

"I know I should have put a shirt on, but I was just too happy that you wanted me to cook naked in your kitchen, even though I knew you were probably joking, at least a little bit," he said honestly, his smile making it hard for King to even pretend to be mad at him as he chewed the delicious offering. 

He's so fucking adorable. 

Baron gave a quiet chuckle as he reached up and gently tugged on the tip of King's nose, then moved that hand to sift through his hair as he leaned forward to press their lips together the slightest amount. 

King's heart immediately squeezed in his chest, but while he was suddenly extremely nervous, he was also very excited to have Baron's attention. 

In fact, the moment he felt Baron begin to withdraw he pressed forward, grabbing the hem of his shorts with his hands as his teeth took hold of his lower lip, preventing his retreat.

He quickly relaxed his hold, just-barely keeping the man's damp lip between his teeth for a few more moments before allowing it to slide free.

His nerves had him too worried to look up into Baron's eyes afterward, but at the same time, he desperately wanted to see his expression. And, most importantly, to gage if he had liked it or not. 

He did say biting was his thing, but I don't know if he meant that or just hickeys, or mayb—his thoughts immediately blanked out when Baron's mouth returned to his own with much more fervor.   

King quickly forced his mind to focus as he tried to match the other man's attentions with his own, but it didn't take long before they were forced to break apart so that he could gulp in some much-needed air! 

He expected Baron to laugh at him, at least a little, for messing up his breathing again, but instead of hearing even a faint chuckle, he was gently pulled into the smiling man's warm arms and squeezed until he, himself, was grinning like a fool. 

"Let's wash up and eat, hmm? Unless you'd like to keep exploring? Though the food will get cold..." Baron said, bringing King's attention down to the fact that he'd practically tugged the guy's shorts down to the point of being indecent! 

Raccoon-(mxm) (Rever series 6)Where stories live. Discover now