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I stepped into my dorm yawning and looked over at Las who looked over at me since he was facing the door

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I stepped into my dorm yawning and looked over at Las who looked over at me since he was facing the door. He smiled at me and stood up walking toward me. One thing k noticed about Laz very quickly was that he was a very outgoing person and loved to be in your face. I don't mean that in a bad way either. It was just the truth. He loved to be around me. Not trying to sound conceited either.

Like when I would come back in before hanging out he was always greeting me at the door and then talking to me about something. He was really sweet though and was just friendly and goofy. The vibes I got from him were immaculate. I think he just liked attention.

I didn't mind giving it to him.

I waved at him making him wave back and chuckle. I love to hear him laugh. It's so different for sure, but it's unique and the little sounds he makes that he doesn't even know about are so distinctive that I can always tell it's him. Like last week we went out to eat and I heard him making this noise from behind me in the line and I found him immediately.

He started signing to me and did it slowly. I'm really starting to understand...SUPER basic shit though. He doesn't even know that I started teaching myself how to sign and I joined a club here on campus. I wanted to just start learning to surprise him. One day I'll just start doing it and he'll be so surprised. It's gonna be hilarious.

How was your day?

I think that's what he signed. I texted him asking if that was right and he said yes. See I'm really getting these basic greetings and convos down.

"It was good," I mouthed slowly while signing back the best that I could. He smiled and laughed at me clapping his hands. I guess I did that shit right.

From "Laz🤙🏾":
Last night before school
Wanna go to an arcade?
Or there's this skating rink
where they have an arcade,
bowling, laser tag, etc.
let's go! I'm being yo friends
I'll bring myself! 🤪

To "Laz🤙🏾":
That emoji😭
You gotta chill lmaoo.
But I say let's do it.
I still have some play money
and I should be starting my job
next week anyway so I should
be good You wanna get some
food first? It's whatever you like

From "Laz🤙🏾":
Yes, let's do it! I'll pay
for you tonight. I got my
disability check! Had to get
my own insurance since my
mom ain't never put me
on hers. I got that money!
I'm ballin nigga! Fun's on me
Love that emoji

Let's go it!

I signed to him making him laugh and dap me up. He signed something back before doing it again slowly and texting me what he was saying. He's patient with me.

You're a fast learner. Good job, nigga

I laughed once I understood what he saying and copied him. Easy. My memory is fire.

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