Chapter 7 - 20 Questions & A Cake

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                                                      Chapter 7: 20 Questions & A Cake

My eyes fluttered open as the sun's rays tickled my eyelashes. I noticed the curtains were blowing in the breeze. My windows were-- open? I quickly opened my eyes with full focus realizing that someone had entered my room. I shot up from my pillow to observe the condition of my room, frantically. I then calmed down when I realized that it was Nikolai. It was an abnormal thing for Nikolai to do but at the same time, I could confront him about yesterday.

I then sat up from my bed, then sat back down on top of my covers, not even bothering to make my bed at the moment. I then turned my head towards Nikolai and he did the same. "Kolya, I want to ask you a few questions," I said. Nikolai just nodded at me not saying a word. That too was also abnormal for Nikolai, he is the clown of the Decay of Angels after all.

Nikolai then decided to grab my desk chair. He dragged the chair and placed it in front of me. He then perched his hat on my desk and sat on the chair. "Dos-kun, that's fine with me. How about twenty questions?" he says all chipper. Maybe he didn't act like his usual self before because it was just the morning and he was cranky. I decided to focus on what Nikolai was saying.

I then looked him in the eye, he wasn't backing down from the glare so I decided to answer. "Okay. I'll play you're game. But you have to answer everything honestly. And the catch is I can ask two questions that aren't yes or no questions." I answered. I decided that I only needed two questions that bended the rules of twenty questions.

Nikolai then smiled at me like his usual clown self would. "Hm, okay! That will be the only exception! But you have to ask those questions in the end!" He responded all giggly. 

"Alright then, the first question. Was your motive to follow me in the beginning?" I asked stating the obvious question. This question was just to make sure that he was going to tell the truth.

"Yes, I did! But that changed hehe!" He proclaimed. 

"Second Question. Did you willingly team up with Dazai to follow Atsushi and me?"

"Well it depends on the time, but if you mean after I got splashed with curry and wasn't able to use my ability then, yes, reluctantly." He said sounding exasperated. Now he knows what it's like to deal with himself.

"Third Question, Are you a traitor of the Decay of Angels?" I blurted out.

"Heavens no! I can't believe you'd think that Dos-kun!" He said pouting.

"Fourth Question, Were you jealous of my date?" 

"Slightly...hmmm...I'd say yes, at one point." Nikolai answered. My small theory was confirmed right there. 

"Question Five, Did you wish you were in Atsushi's place while I was in the restaurant with him?" I asked. Depending on the answer this might confirm something.

"No, I did not!" Nikolai responded.

"Hm, Question six. Did you wish you were in my place when I was on my date with Atsushi?" I asked.

"Ugh, yes, yes I did! Especially when you two kissed!" He responded with a small tint of red on his cheeks.

"What? You want to be with Atsushi?" I blurted out.

"Well, that counts as your seventh question! But yes, I do." Nikolai responded.

This now made so much more sense. Nikolai wasn't jealous that I was on a date, it was who I was with that he was jealous of. Since when did he like Atsushi-kun? Nikolai did say that he'd seen him before when he was getting information about him. I just didn't realize that sooner. Wait I just thought of another question for Nikolai! This is not a yes or no question so let's hope this counts. "Nikolai, since when did you like Atsushi-kun?" I asked.

Seeing An Angel  [Fyodor Dostoyvetsky x Atsushi Nakajima]Where stories live. Discover now