I'm sorry for how useless I am (kinda sad)

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I'm sorry for how useless I am

I am sorry I'm not helping at home

I know I always act like I'm fine

But I feel so alone

I'm sorry for acting heartless

You deserve so much more

And it isn't fair

Help is all you ask for

I should have stood up and moved

But my body feels paralized

I would have helped if I could

I hope you know it isn't a lie

I am terrifired and tired

Hiding my tears every day

I know I am a liar

But I really am not okay

If I helped would it have been better

I shouldn't stay in my room and ignorethe fights

It's only a helpful daughter you'reasking for

But I get paralized ever time

I don't have any coping skills so I

Either hide my feeling, cry or write

I keep everything in my head until I

Break down and cannot fight

In my head is an endless war

I cannot stop it anymore

I lost control I fell so far

That I am not at all like I was before

You cannot see throught my lies

I hate myself and the way I act

I hate how frequently I cry

I'm gonna break and that's a fact

But I should be here for you

No matter how I feel inside

You are here when I am feeling blue

All you did for me is here in my mind

Poems of a highschoolerWhere stories live. Discover now