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December 9, 2023

I felt this urge to write about my Lord and His love, about what I have been learning from the Holy Spirit. It's been months, I guess, two. He told me to write about His love and I was utterly confused as to how I would be able to do it because His love is unfathomed and unmeasurable. I wonder if anyone can tell you about the Lord's love with a clear understanding because it's very deep and vast. I seriously do not think you would ever be able to learn everything about God's love through books because it's something to be felt, not read about. But being a writer, as He has chosen me for it, I so desperately want you to read how amazing His love is. I want God to give me this ability so that my words would touch your heart and you would know how awesome, sweet, and amazing His love is. 

I would start with the most heard thing about God's love. His sacrifice, of course, but not everybody knows how unmatchable His sacrifice was. 

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life." — John 3:16.

John, an eyewitness, who ate, walked, and lived with Jesus here talks about the love that the Lord did to us — and still does. 

Us includes you, me, this entire world, including sinners and the righteous. He loves everyone. And He loved the world in this way that He gave His only Son. 

A mother can easily understand this sacrifice. A father, too, knows how it'd feel to sacrifice your only child to a corrupt world. 

Many of us even think that this particular girl or that particular boy doesn't deserve heaven, at all. In India, easily people curse each other, saying, "Ja narak mein ja mar." But you don't know how terrible that place is. 

Many have visited hell because God wanted to show them how horrible and painful the place is. He doesn't want anyone to go there. Even the devil and his angels are afraid of hell. They don't wanna stay there even for a second. And you wonder how terrible that place can be that even demons, the devil, Satan are afraid of it. 

When these supernatural beings are afraid of the eternal fire of hell, do you think humans can survive? Actually, I ask this question because I have heard many saying that they can bear that eternal fire. But they can't. Kehne aur karne me kafi fark hota hai. And seriously, because God is aware of this agony, He doesn't want any of us corrupted beings to go to hell. His love for us couldn't make Him punish us in hell. No way! I know very well that God wants no one to go there. He so badly wants to save us. So badly that He didn't stop Himself from giving His only Son for a one-time sacrifice to make an atonement for us and we will be saved. 

Sometimes, I'm at a loss for words. I fall silent because words can't describe His great and steadfast love for us. Even if I try to find words to speak of the faithfulness and steadfastness of His love, I will fail each time because His love is great. So, so great and powerful that He can change any sinner of this world and make Him repent and come back to Him. 

All of us were led astray when our connection with God was broken because of Adam's — the first human-made — disobedience. 

We never regarded His way. We never tried to find Him and from the beginning, He tried to reach us and tell us that, "Repent!", "Come to Me!", "I care for you.", "It is I who loves you the most!" And none of them is a lie. Nobody can love you like Jesus Christ the Lord. He has loved you enough and wants you so badly that He didn't say 'no' to death when it was in His hand!

At the time when He was on the cross, He had the power to command His angels and destroy those who'd arrested Him and dared to put a hand on Him. Aren't you aware of the sovereignty of the Most High God? I know, you're aware. 

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