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The year is about to end. Two hours left when I got this idea to write in the book. Consider this message for those who know nothing about God yet they are angry at him, not knowing that He loves them immensely.

Let's come to an example first.

You know I have shared the Gospel with everyone who has become my friend?

Well, now you do.

Everybody knows that I am Christian, it becomes very obvious because I boast about my God a lot. Note that I boast about my God, not religion. I don't follow a religion but my God Jesus.

So, there's a girl who wasn't ready to believe it. She said, if He is to save me, then He should come to me like He came to the people in the Bible.

Okay, so she has no information about the Bible, first of all. But I understand every rebel is like that. They want God to show them His glory so that they can believe.

First of all, my lovely readers, I need to make it clear that you can't see God and live. You'll die the moment you look at Him because you are not holy. All of us, dear. We are not holy enough to look at Him.

Consider the Sun for an example.

Even on being on the Earth — nearly 93 million miles away from the Sun — we can't even look at it for more than two minutes or it'll cause serious damage to our eyes.

An astronaut in his suit could get up to 3 million miles from the sun before getting into serious trouble. You'll burn if you go any closer to the Sun and you think that you can trode in the presence of its Creator, huh?

What makes you think that, I wonder! Your lack of knowledge? Well, now is the time to renew it. Know that you can't even look at Him, calling Him in front of you is a far-fetched thought.

It's not His fault that He can't come closer but our own flaw that we're so filled with sin that we can't even go near our heavenly Father.

People say that God should come to meet them to make them believe like He did to the people in the Bible.

At least be like them so that He'll come to meet you?

But the reality is, He didn't show Himself to them. When Moses asked Him to show him His glory, the Lord denied, saying that humans can't look at Him and live. To Noah, it was the voice of His that came to Him, to Abraham, his angel. To Moses, the angel of the Lord came. To the prophets after — from Samuel to Zechariah — it was His voice that guided them. It was His Spirit that counseled them. To Mary and Joseph, it was the angel Gabriel who came to tell them that Mary would be pregnant and would give birth to a son whom she would call Jesus.

To whom did He show His glory? Gosh, He didn't want to kill them. Even then, He thought about you.

He could show His glory to anyone and let him die so it could set an example for the others but He did not. Of course, why would the just God kill humans?

God says it gains Him nothing even at the death of a sinner. Rather, He along with His angels in heaven rejoice when one sinner repents! He gains nothing from anyone's death.

You know even then God sent His son to the earth to die for you and to take all your sins on Himself.

Now tell me, you angry-in-vain people, do you want Him to come again and die for you on the cross so that you can see from your own eyes and then believe?

Trust me, He's coming soon. He is coming again, but not like that lamb for a sacrifice, but rather as a Judge. He will judge everyone according to their deeds and trust me, you won't like that coming at all. Because your soul will tremble and you'll regret so badly that you'll abhor the day you were born.

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