The End of the Beginning

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Ellie let out a cry in pain as claws dug into the flesh of her shoulder blade.

Her words had fallen on deaf ears as he followed Kate's last words. She hadn't been able to reach him. To bring him back to himself. Her words had no effect. He was completely feral.

Ellie's eyes traveled over to where the sound of fighting was still taking place. She spotted Derek and Scott, both bleeding and sprawled across the grass. Scott was unmoving, but Derek locked eyes with her and he struggled to claw his way across the distance to her. His eyes wide and fearful.

The anguish and fear She felt from his side of the bond slammed into her core repeatedly.

She let her eyes drift away from her mate and towards Peter and let the tears fall as she watched him end the life of their tormentor.

Kate was dead. Ellie watched as Peter ripped her throat out with his own teeth.

His chest heaved as Kate's body fell to the dirt at his feet. He shifted back, his body shaking from the aftereffects of being shocked. He seemed to be faring better than the other wolves. She could see any physical wounds.

She watched helplessly as Peter spun around to face her, no doubt smelling her blood waft through the open air.

Her eyes darted back to Kaine. She had no doubt that Peter... That her Papa wouldn't think twice before killing Kaine to protect her, even if she tried to protest and stop him.

With Kate's hold over Kaine wavering, Ellie watched as Kaine shifted from full alpha to beta. His body taking a humanoid shape once more.

Kaine reared back one hand and hesitated for a moment, claws out to deliver a final blow, his other hand digging in deeper into her shoulder.

Ellie screamed his name, reaching up blindly. Her hands came to rest on either side of the collar around his neck, fingers digging between the metal and his skin, and she yanked.

At that moment, the collar shattered as something inside her snapped. Something that has been trying to free itself for far longer than she or anyone else had known.

A golden glow sprouts from her chest and bursts free, encasing both herself and Kaine in its radiance.

Kaine froze as both of their bodies are encased in the golden light, so bright it forced everyone to shield their eyes.

When they are able to see once more, Kaine and Ellie are nothing. Nothing but glowing silver and gold human silhouettes protected by a barrier. A shiny, sparkly golden transparent shield. One that would ensure that no one could penetrate and interrupt.

Peter slammed into the barrier, snarling and viscous. But he could not get through.

His eyes blazed red as he began to stalk around the outer edge of the bubble.

His cub was in danger. She needed him now more than ever.


Ellie blinked in shock, head turning from side to side as she tried to get a good look at the area around her.

She was floating above a sheet of fluffy, white clouds. The sky was so blue... So vast that it left her in awe.

"You finally broke your chains."

She whirled around, the voice startling her. A disembodied voice that sounded as if multiple people were speaking at once.

The being she saw floating... No, it was hovering. It was unlike anything she had ever seen. Huge, giant even. She was roughly the size of one of its fingers.

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