▪︎ 17.

1K 33 18

Sorry for the late update and small chapter! Got caught up using c.ai (I'm not joking). And thank you so much for the 1K!


"Finally!" Claire said, giving out a huge breath as she, Eliza, Rehan, and James ran towards the Black Lake.

Dumping their bags near a tree trunk, they hastily removed their shoes and socks, rolling up their pants and sauntering into the cold waters. The water bought back a sense to their life after two weeks of hard work for their exams.

"If I had to write another exam. I would've thrown myself off of the Astronomy tower." James said dramatically, rolling up his sleeves.

"You can't. Hogwarts is magically charmed where you can't jump off willingly." Rehan said, soaking up the water.

"That explains the no suicides in Hogwarts." Claire said, bending low to graze the water with her fingers.

James, who grinned wickedly at the opportunity, put a finger on his mouth to Rehan and Eliza and quietly snuck behind Claire. Before the blonde girl could look back, he pushed her forward, tumbling into the water and falling, completely drenched.

From head to toe, Claire was wet, her blonde hair acquiring a dirty blonde look, loose strands sticking to her face and her uniform sticking to her skin.

She was silent for a few seconds before she started speaking with a dangerous voice."You have three seconds to run," Claire said, shaking with fury as she held up three fingers. "One," She counted down.

"Two," She hissed, putting another finger down, "Three."

Thus, she chased James, trying to get a hold of him, but he ran around in the water, splashing more and more as he ran. Claire was growling in rage as she attempted to push James into the lake but was unable to do so.

"Give up already, Claire! You can't catch me!" James said, turning back and hitting Claire with a huge wave of water.

She stopped to hold up her hands from the water and chase him again.

This went on for about five minutes before having enough. Claire took out her wand and pointed it at James, who was running.

"Impedimenta!" She casted. James slowed down and gave her enough time to catch up to him.

"That's cheating," James said in a slow voice.

"All's fair in love and war," Rehan muttered silently at Eliza, and they laughed lowly.

"Oh, you're so done, James." Claire said evilly. She pushed him into the water, and James fell back in slow-motion, the enchantment being lifted immediately as soon the water hit him, drenching him.

Claire, who was too busy laughing at him, didn't notice it. Holding her stomach and laughing, she gave a sharp yelp as James caught her and brought her down, both of them inside the water.

After a second or two, they came up, Claire gasping for breath, and James holding her hips, grinning at his win.

Pushing herself off of him, Claire rolled her eyes, "I hate you so much." She said smally, no amusement in her eyes.

"Come on, Claire, it's all fun. You don't need to get your feelings tied up." James said, noticing her tone.

"It's not about my feelings idiot!" Claire shouted as she turned as she jabbed a finger in his chest. "You – You have no idea, do you!?"

"Uh-Oh, smells like trouble." Rehan said, going forward, but Eliza held him back, not taking her eyes off of them.

"No, let them sort this out by themselves." She said. "They're not kids, and we're not their parents."

James frowned. He certainly felt the air shift, "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I don't know how to swim! And the last time I went down in water, I nearly drowned!" Claire yelled. "I get light-hearted fun, James. I really do! But pushing me into the water where even my head is in is not funny!"

James bore an expression of shock. Although Eliza knew of this, Claire never really shared her feelings and thoughts and disturbances in lofe with anyone else.

"I swear on my life, Claire, I will never let anything happen to you. I mean it." James said earnestly, his voice dropping to guilt. "And I'm sorry, I didn't know." He apologized quickly.

Claire looked away, folding her arms. A mix of emotions went through her. He felt angry at James for his actions. She felt overwhelmed by his words, and she felt small for bursting out.

"I know that." She finally said, "J-Just don't it again." 

James nodded his head.

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