▪︎ 25.

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That night unlocked various parts of their relationship. Usually, they kept their heated kisses in the safe walls of the Gryffindor common room late at night, but being Gryffindors, recklessness was etched in their skin as their kisses led them to dark, empty corridors where anyone could walk in on them. Empty classrooms were also a victim to their sessions.

Rehan and James were getting suspicious thoroughly. Each time Eliza came back from a meeting with Percy, they enquired her as if she had broken a law.

Meanwhile, things were looking bleak for James.

"I can't with her. She's just like expecting me to behave properly like I'm aiming for head boy." James complained one evening when all of them were getting their homework done, except Eliza, who had done it long before and was reading a novel.

"What's wrong in aiming for head boy?" Rehan questioned.

"Ugh, who wants to head boy? Not me. Imagine the extra responsibilities. I'm not a Prefect anyway. Why is Penny so adamant?" James said with a rueful expression.

An ink bottle spilled. All three of them looked up, Rehan taking his wand and whispering, "Terego."

"Penny?" Claire asked incredulously, "Don't tell me it's a stupid nickname you gave her." Ignoring her ink bottle spillage.

"I didn't give her. It's a common nickname her friends use." James said back.

"Oh well, alright." Claire said, a hint of relief in her voice.

"Why do you care so much?" James asked.

"Because the name is stupid. Penny." Claire said mockingly. "Imagine calling someone Penny, I'd rather die."

"What's wrong with Penny?" James asked hotly.

"It's the name itself, you know?" Claire said, going back to writing her work. "Plus, weren't you just complaining about her?"

"I was complaining about her, not her name, Claire. Honestly, what's your problem with my girlfriend?" James asked.

"I don't have a problem. I just feel that you can do better than her." Claire said, shrugging.

"Oh yeah?" James asked challengingly, "Like who?"

"I don't know. I only know it's not her." Claire said.

"Alright, shut up the both of you. Go back to work, James." Rehan said, sighing.

Their banter always seemed


The things people talked about Gilderoy Lockhart were simply unbelievable. The test that he had put about himself, Cornish pixies on second years. The only thing advocating that he was a brilliant wizard was his books.

Ron's wand was useless right now. He had apparently tried to patch it up with Spellotape, but evidently to avail. On Friday, he hit Professor Flitwick with his wand, purely accident, of course.

The older students waited for their Hogsmeade trip. Even though the castle was huge, people opted for Hogsmeade trips rather than staying in Hogwarts.

"I have a date." Claire came bouncing happily.

"What?" James said, wheeling around immediately.

"Who is it?" Eliza asked.

"It's that Ravenclaw sixth year, Adrian. He asked me out right now." Claire said.

James looked around for Adrian with a bitter look on his face.

"Is it him?" James asked, pointing to a raven haired Ravenclaw.

Claire looked at where he was pointing, "Yeah, that's him." She said.

"I'm going and having a talk." James said, gritting his teeth.

He would've dashed off if it wasn't for Rehan, who held his arm, furrowed his eyebrows.

"Stop. Let's go to the common room." Rehan said.

"No! I just want to talk. Man to man." James said, trying to get Rehan's hand off of him.

"All I see is a boy acting like a bitch. Let's go, James. You're creating unnecessary trouble."


"Won't your friends ask where you've been in Hogsmeade?" Percy questioned.

"They won't," Eliza assured, "They're too busy like you and me." She said, brushing of some hair from Percy's eyes.

They were near the Shrieking Shack. It was a deserted place, for people usually didn't wander anywhere near it.

"Like you and me?" Percy asked.

"Yes, well, Claire's got a date, James is with his girlfriend, and Rehan is with Oliver." Eliza explained.

"Rehan and Oliver?" Percy repeated, "Since when?"

"Oh, they're too blind to see it yet." Eliza answered. "They're just friends for now. A little too close if you ask me, and I don't think Rehan will accept it that readily, his family being conservative and all."

"I thought Calliope liked Blackwood?"

Eliza rolled her eyes, "Again, the case of being too blind. If you ask me, they should just kiss already. The way they bicker drives me and Rehan mad. They fight like an old married couple over a set of teeth that they both think it's theirs."

Percy spluttered. "What?" He asked, giving out a small laugh.

"It's true." Eliza said seriously. "She gets jealous, and he gets jealous. He was literally about to fight Claire's date the other day."

"Sounds real." Percy replied, making Eliza laugh.

"How's Ginny holding up?" Eliza asked.

"She's fine, I guess. She looks cheerful. Made friends with the odd girl – Loony, I think." Percy replied.

"You mean, Luna Lovegood?" Eliza questioned.

"Yeah, her." Percy nodded his head.

Eliza took a step closer to Percy and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he leaned against the railing that stood several feet away from the Shack. He held her waist, flushing as he did – something he always did when they were close.

"Did you know that you have freckles?" Percy asked.

Eliza smiled warmly, raising a brow. "I do?" She asked.

"Yes, they're very light." Percy replied. "No one can really see it unless they're this close."

"Really? No one's ever told me that I had freckles." Eliza said, frowning.

"Because everyone are idiots and are not Prefects like me to notice everything." Percy joked.

Eliza shook her head, grinning. "They look really good on you, Alexandera." He said.

"Are you saying that just to flatter me? Cause you just said they're not that visible." Eliza teased.

"Forgive a wizard trying to compliment his witch." Percy said sarcastically.

"I think you can do a lot more than compliment me." Eliza hinted mischievously.

Percy blushed, "Like what?"

"Kissing me like yesterday in the third floor corridor." Eliza said.

"Oh – um – well – we need to go to the corridor for that—"

"Shut up and kiss me already."

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