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The votes target is not completed yet but it's weekend and I have time so, here you go ❤️

Target for next chapter : 950 votes and 500 comments :)

This is a big chapter and there are also memes, so it's doable hehe

Also y'all so damn funny haha giving me targets in return 😂

After all the emotions, this chapter is going to be such a mood lifter lol.

*** Nanda ***

"Like what?" she asked.

"Well...I...I..." my guilt made me struggle to speak. "I called you...." our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," I ordered.

"Greetings general," the soldier bowed, "The King wishes to see you."

Thank god!

"I'll be back," I told Sruthi and went to meet the king.


"May I come in, your highness," I asked.

"Yes, come in," Adi replied.

"Are you really going to stand until I ask you to sit down?" he asked angrily when he noticed that I did not immediately sit down like I usually would....but that has nothing to do with Adi....it's only because I was pre-occupied with Sruthi's thoughts.

"Sorry," I apologized and sat down. "You wanted to speak to me, your highness?" I asked.

Adi nodded.

"Did Pallu ask for your protection?" he asked.

"Implicitly yes," I answered.

"I would suggest you don't offer her that," Adi stated.

"Your highness, it's just child's play...."

"Doesn't matter, general," Adi interrupted, "You take your promises very seriously, irrespective of the context....and the general's protection means protection from all authoritative forces of the world, potentially even the king. That is too much power to be giving to a girl whose first thought after turning 16 is to find alternative ways of protection."

"Your highness, it's not like she is going to turn into a murderer," I countered.

"Maybe not," the King replied, "but her mischeif is going to have no limits, and that, if and when combined with unfortunate circumstances, is still going to be detrimental."

I fell silent.

"Think before you make a decision," Adi added and got back to his work saying, "You are free to go."

Yet I chose not to leave.

Perhaps I should ask for Adi's opinion before talking to Sruthi.

Adi noticed it and looked at me once again.

"Anything you wish to talk, general?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I am....uh..." I hesitated, "I am thinking of telling Sruthi the truth....about the words...I...I spoke regarding her...yesterday."

"What words?" Adi asked, "Those used to call her a 'clumsy confused mismatch' or those used to describe her as 'someone who consumes your heart, mind, and soul'?"

I fell silent.

"Get a clarity on that before you go around and confuse Sruthi," Adi stated and went back to his work.

ENCHANTED- BY LOVE (completed)Where stories live. Discover now