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*** Vishnu sir***

"Hmm...so....you want us to openly declare our support to the Nine Kingdoms?" one of the neighbouring kings from the south asked.

"Yes sir," the Queen nodded.

"And why would we do that, miss?" another king asked.

"The Nine Kingdoms has the means and resources to a war," one of the Kings from the east added, "The rest of us don't have that previledge. We are just small kingdoms trying to survive by avoiding the big monsters. Not to mention, we do have existing good relationships with both Agastya and the Nine Kingdoms. It would be silly for us to favor one over the other."

That's expected. 

It would be stupid for the smaller kingdoms to openly declare their alliance and it is in their best interests to not do so....not to mention the prejudice this alignment is going to have, given that it is coming from a women and not from a man.

The women of the Nine Kingdom have time and again proved their brilliance and it pains my heart to know that their acheivements are not widespread. If we are not in the middle of a war, I would've personally come up with methods and plans to share the achievements of all my daughters.

I turned towards the Queen, curious as to what she would say.

The Queen took a deep breath before speaking.

"From the perspective that you are looking it is absolutely reasonable to think the way you think, sir and I in noway denying it," she stated, "You should put your country first and that is exactly what I am asking you to do."

"You've got my interest," the King said leaning forward, "I am curious as to how the said statement can be justified."

"Let me present a hypothetical and impossible scenario sir," the Queen continued, "Let's say Agastya along with it's neighbours was able to suceessfully win over the Nine Kingdoms. What do you think would happen next?"

"Well..." one of the Kings from the west answered, "I am sorry for sounding harsh miss, but from our perspective, I think the trade and diplomatic relations wouldn't change. If Agastya takes over the Nine Kingdoms, the ruler would change but the trade and diplomacy would more or less remain the same, given that we have good relations with King Vishwanath as well."

"But if we were to take sides," another King continued, "and if King Adinath loses, we would lose all out diplomacy with both the Nine Kingdoms and Agastya. Our country would be in danger."

"Respectfully sir," the Queen replied, "If King Viswanath were to win the war, why would you think he would stop his quest with the Nine Kingdoms. Given that he would be having the biggest army, land, and resources why wouldn't he expand his kingdom in all directions?"

The Kings fell silent.

"Well Miss, the reason King Vishwanath started the war is because...."

"He wanted to swallow the big fish that is protecting the small fishes," I interrupted the King.

The Queen is already stressed enough. She does not need to know, what I think, is the reason for the war.

"Let's talk numbers, sir," the Rook chimed in just in time, "In the last 10 years, King Vishwanath has conquered 5 of his small neighbouring kingdoms and we are not sure how many of his current alliances are forced into supporting him."

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