Part 33

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Violet POV

We finally make it to the airbnb and it's so pretty. it's a good decent sized house with im assuming a lot of rooms for all of us. "okay ladies, this is where y'all will be staying while the coaches will be staying in a different airbnb about 5 minutes away! please be on y'all's best behavior" uncle g calls out to all of us.

"oh and we will creat a group chat to let you guys know when and where practice will be held and how long so please check your phones and don't forget" chris adds on. the basketball girls nod their heads and we grab our things.

uncle g walks up to me and hands me the key. "i'm gonna entrust you with the responsibility of holding the key. i don't trust them" he says pointing at his team making me laugh. i nod my head and take the key.

he gives me a hug and whispers in my ear. "i know something happened at that airport and i want you to know please not be afraid to talk to me.  im always a call or text or even walk away okay?" i nod my head and smile at him.

i walk off following the girls to the house waving bye to him. they're all stood infront of the door. "shit! did we forget to grab the key...?" aaliyah asked looking around to see the bus leaving.

i smile and walk up to the door. i turn to everyone and hold up the key. "are we ready to have the best week ever?!" i call out to all of them. they all smile and cheer...well except for you know who. but i could careless im so excited for this trip.

i turn around to the door and unlock it walking in. and lord have mercy was it more beautiful inside. we all pile into the livingroom. "i'll go check out the rooms and see how many we have yea?" i say out loud. paige rushes over to me. "lemme go with you" she smiles at me but keeps looking over she shoulder.

i look over she shoulder as well and see sierra giving paige goggly eyes. i look back at paige and i can tell she's uncomfortable. so i nod my head and we head off to explore. "oh thank you jesus, sierra is beginning to act really weird and i don't wanna be around her" paige says grabbing my hand, holding it.

i smile at her before asking. "oh yea? how so?" i was curious to know cause it'll decrease my thinking of paige not believing my situation. "okay since the first day i met her right. she was cool and what not. but as the days goes by she like constantly flirts with me and tries to touch me. i mean the first thing i told her when we met was how i was dating you and how much i loved it" she starts rambling but i just listen.

i nod my head showing i'm listening. "and she like cut me off and switched the topic which i didn't think was weird at the moment cause who wants to know about someone's relationship when they first meet. anyways but then every time i'd try and bring you up she'd like make a face of disgust, let me talk for like a minute about you before changing the subject!" she raises her voice.

"okay sweetie no need to yell, let's calm down okay?" i put my hand to her chest to help her calm her breathing. let's just say i'm now realizing how much she hates when she can't talk about me to others.

"sorry but yea and she just flirts and flirts and i don't like it. i'm sorry i'm just now telling you but i thought she'd stop. also when she held my face on the bus i got so fucking scared, i thought she was gonna kiss me or or-" she starts panicking so i stop walking and turn her towards me.

"hey hey clam down baby, breath. you're okay, i would never get mad at you okay? i mean unless you change my show L&O: SVU to something else but that's besides the point" i say making me laugh a little.

"see you're doing good already! but seriously, don't worry. i'll always believe your word over anyone else's. especially sierra, so if you don't want to hang around her you don't have to okay?" i ask her to which she nods her head.

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